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The stream (all workshops)

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only if

if only you had visited my profile
much earlier than now,
you wouldn't have met such a fate
sad tis late somehow

all along my profile
I speak of virginity
of body, mind and soul…
men only have a single goal
about how to lay
and then let with her youth
others play

they move on to greener pastures
and this is what makes for dismay
disillusioned teenagers fall
for false appreciation,
all guys have two heads
but think with only one
the lower



It was in their very interest first
To scramble and partition the land
Stretching transversely the whole continent
For global economic adventures
In free and independent Africa

Our land of great ancestral heritage;
They all came in flocks of thousands to feed
Like lean vultures and other scavengers
The wolves disguised as sheep, harmless they seemed
Bearing the Lord’s Holy Grail with closed hands

For Sunshine...

Mother Earth wakes him slowly
She whispers in his ear
No matter that he’s lowly
She hugs him, calls him dear

She knows how much he loves her
His heart is with her all the time
She is his life, she’s really sure
They are intertwined

Sparrows chirp good-morning, sir
As he passes by
He smooths his brother’s fur
The Sun shines from the sky

Cool waters wash his face
He slakes his morning thirst
Now it becomes a race
Who’s going to be first


The struggle out of misery,
the drama in violence
corrupted by mockery,
innocence stolen.

A captive heart,
souls drenched in tears,
wounded by time,
shattering dreams...

Kill political will,
awaken heroism,
the outbreak of freedom.

Bathos Imperical

sit night
in evening gown
your flame of crowns
draws cocks to crow
as fledgling dawn


For how long will I live in foolery?
Hoping it will be better bye and bye
While things go bad in the day and nighttime
Unabated, my kismet wears away
Left in ruins to rot in abandonment

For how long will I live to be sorry?
My belongings blot due to lack of means
Unwelcome rats sneak in to eat my clothes
These stocks up glories of the past era
Like tattered flags of a battered nation

friendly poet

some day in the wilderness
as time splashes by,
you will or may recall
a guy poet like me
who came by
just to fly ..
you will not even know
who was that guy .....

short and sweet
for an everlasting memory
by Loved

Until Nothing is Mine

Was it only yesterday I saw your face?
Your smile etched words into my skin.
Lovers do not know such things
and neither do I.

The sun firewalked across this poem,
turned the page into flame
then these words into ash and dust.

family portrait

in a corner-torn moment
she stands
in shades of grey
the new-born babe
swathed in woollen white
clutched tightly in her arms

before her in a wicker chair
his hands caress the napes
of the necks of the two small boys
who lean across his knees

all dressed in Sunday best
for a family album addition
to keepsake the new blessing

a happy picture

so you'd think

an intuition
for I know the story

I look closer
seek their eyes
find therein
emotional exposure

the bit and trod of the savage petunia

pinch of gloss
smidge of sparkle
tongue lubricantly worn
tits tissued
shoes a-bladed
spread cheeks vaselined
rubbers tallied
picture kissed

prelude to a moonlight glow

she is called Kiko
to the tourists
that pay

she is called Lola
to the sailors
that get it

any night at port
every dollar spent
is a story untold

would you?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.