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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Salutation to the Sun

In my medicine bundle
I found enlightenment
tied together with sweet sage,
sometimes I drifted
away with smoke signals of pretense,
often I ignored my wild wild heart
to seek redemption from the story poem of my life

through it all,
I blazed trails with broken wings on my feet
on a firewalk
with destiny
my salutation to the sun
like a dandelion clock
scattering my pilgrimage
to the four directions
I took at once.

Fumes Of Emptiness

I don't have much to say
worthwhile, I mean
that doesn't seem to stop
most people
or even slow them down.
but me,
I feel a need to be PROFOUND
can't quite figure it
I don't even like profundity
'cause mostly
it ain't,
is it?
more likely, just some
plain ol' jane pretentiousness
...parading in drag

maybe a lack of style
is what I actually meant to write about
but now I'm confused
I'll stop here
and try to sort it out



I feel like a strawberry shake
left out in the rain
too watered down
to shake anymore
for anyone.

I feel like a warm
glass of beer
left in the sun
all suds gone
a drink unthinkable .

I feel like a Nathan’s frank
on a stale bun,
A bumble bee
stripes that run

A styrofoam cup
cigarette butts
soaking in its mud
no use
in any way.

I feel like me today.


in the youth of flame
mouths water like dogs
panting in the open
to satiate ones wants
pangs of hunger
pants the human tiger

then as age moves on
the hard core goes strong
till it suddenly wanes
then you feel age catches,

Being (mindful-memorable-freeform-challenge)


Nowhere does the sun feel as good
Nowhere does the wind blow as gently
Than in the heart of a peace loving man.


Cajun Killer Cooking...

Night air of cooling dampness
Brushes Killer’s face
Searching for new recipes
He’s in this dim lit place

There is a voodoo princess
Better cook than all the rest
Long pig’s her only specialty
Her roasts are just the best

She’s agreed to meet him here
Kitchen, Sacre Bleu Hotel
It is the stroke of midnight
‘Tis black here as a well

He feels a presence enter
Candles begin to glow
She appears before him suddenly
I come, giving what I know


Still in the vicinity
where l rest my weary head,
l weep to our shared morning,
where l'd be better off dead.

l'm sad for this impuzzlement,
why won't the pieces fit?
what could the theives true motive be
to take my little bit?

I tread not, near the shadows
for they hide what l can't see;
plus, they do their best to convince my heart
that it's because of me!

WHERE ARE YOU ? (memorable free form final entry)

Where now are the men of peace ?
I want to scream and shout
Who pleads for calm in crowded cities
urging mobs to stop and think
if their God approves

For now is the time for all brothers
regardless of their birth or faith
to unite against barbarian fanatics
and let them know..ENOUGH!

Tell them that they are not Godly
at least not to any God we love
they are no ally to Allah
no followers of Christ
no friend to Buddah
no believer in any True religion

a foolishness

blithely adding to
and making reduction of
the population
which invented Zeus
those high living gods
of old Olympus
asked for sacrifice, destruction


until their creators
against them

we read of
their downfall
their flaws

for mankind finally wrote into
the history of myth
mishaps of
(deciding, perhaps
one god would do)
and had them annihilated
in a heavenly war

dialysis what !

is still on dialysis
but kith and kin don't know
when to let him go
hope God
helps them ...

the finale none know
not you... nor I...
no doc too
heaven is too busy...
we always knew
if there is a God
of which I have reservations....
I’m quite sure he has 7.5 billion
in the ICU
we call the world...
I only wish that ailing humanity
Came with life to terms
all we need is
a switch off
but then who will?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.