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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Tentacles That Tore Me Away

I like swimming in the fur,
fuzzy feelings tickling when you pet the peptides in my skull.
It has always been her.
Sounds enjoyed so similar.
Our cochleas cuddle as they spiral in,
manifesting as melodies when spun.
Everything is in time when two metronomes become one.
Our cadences coalesce and the line begins to blur.
It has always been her.
Radiating an energy I only feel when near.
I must have ampullae of Lorenzini for real, I fear.
But tuned only to this one frequency I now infer.
It has always been her.

The demon Lonliness

What ails you demon loneliness
why creep into my mind
Perpetual darkened shadows
that flicker all the time
The shroud of autumn hanging
from your shoulders like a cloak
And weapons made of emptiness
for the many hearts you broke
Why linger on vile creature
you plague my cobwebbed thoughts
Upon eternal searching
for the chaos that you brought
Your essence lies around me
and like waves upon the sand
Destroys my dreams of happiness
for so long that I have planned

Bending Not Yet Breaking

walking on a knife's edge
with barely a sense of balance or composure
just enough thought to get me by
think too much and i might scream
and the door is closed for a reason


she tells me
all the time
my heart beat's too loud
one too many an escaped sigh
love too loud too much too loud
and my head's too heavy

i was hooked on the crescent
now i'm pushed off with it's waxing
and despite the light i'm fading
this blacklight moon is haunting me


when the world was
empty cold
The oceans wave would
lap and fold

Beast opened his eyes to
a world without life
a day without night

A feelingless domain
of lonely beings
Leaving him
with no reason of the
way things turned out
why he's still around
He wanders away coming to a shimmery lake
He Thinks...

Is this dream we call
a reality well kept?
Is the Keeper of all worlds
in a place
where He wept?


How crazy these delusions,
That arise in sheer confusion
For half-asleep it sets in my mind,
An eternity where thoughts are unconfined
Sense it makes when in this state,
But soon a reminder follows
A quick awakening brings reality, returns normality
To this half-deluded mind
As if to ever find,
Some sort of conclusion
What is normality, but an illusion?



Beats of the heart
tick tock like a clock
and mesmerized
we sway
to the rhythm of each day.
as the years move on
we fall behind
and all too quickly
we slowly fade away.

Nightmare Time

Spider like we walk through dreams – where shadows talk or so it seems.
With tear filled eye and twisted grin – we watch our yesterday’s crawl in.
Then someone speaks was it a scream – for something gone and yet unseen.
Continue down a road of glass – as cracks appear is it the past.
A friendly wave a quick hello – I turn around where did they go.
And now the rain so flat and warm – upon the curtain ripped and torn.
Small glowing embers on the fire – just cast familiar shadows higher.


I sit here with a mangled heart,
And I apologize for it.
I am torn and I want to mend you.
I am broken almost beyond repair,
yet I want to heal you,
I am bleeding to death
And I bandage you up.
I am devastated,
but I look for ways to keep you afloat.
I am beyond repair.
You know this is true.
Still you accept all of my gestures.
My last breath will be I love you
and you will merely say I know.

In/human Traits on Math's Curves

The children waver. Joys away are sent.
The women widowed, men are killed in wars.
The smell of blood becomes the ordered scent,
and fear, unlike my dreams, so high now soars.

In East or West, in North or South, alike,
In neither Muslim world, nor Christian, counts
Inhuman traits have rapid growth to strike,
allotting strength so evil power mounts .

o b s k u r r a . . .

tundra vein
finds the steady rain

davenport alleys

I asked you once
where belonging gathered
in you

and you asked me
about the whirlpool

jettison the swift ideals
jumping like branchs
in North Hurricane winds

losing themselves
across boreal tracts
washing themselves

in the woods of a haunting

you exhale a chilled
angel in your hoodie
and above the poplars
afire with sharp bitter

the obscure passage of
jets are written


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.