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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


perfumed explosion

wow, anytime spark ...
at the very thought of it
I would have read as
there are matches (boxes)
with her perfumed fingers
she would have lighted,
a puff
a smoke
a momentary joy!
out in the fresh air and open
now buried as memories untold
between the blinds and folds,
twas those times such matches recall
when two young ones
not yet that old
would suddenly explode...

manifesto 2

manifest is as a hologram of
frozen time

a potentiality
containing every possible outcome
of every possible circumstance

we wander the fragments
walk through emotion

and every thought
every choice
leads us

Chuck Steak...

In deep and darkened shadows
stood two shabby, soiled, dolls
They were sewed with ragged stitches
their faces screwed in scowls

Killer thought them cute, with little shiny knives
then they attacked together; malice in their eyes
Two blades of sharpened steel, stabbing at his knees
Killer sang out loudly, "What’s your name there, if you please?"


today goodbye I said to you
without too much ado
you’ve been a faithful long-time friend
but all good things do end

your loyalty's begun to slip
no longer fit or hip
and really you are getting old
thus running hot and cold

so often I felt like a clown
the times we went to town
and that is why I've dumped you for
this one I now adore

he's dressed so much more smart than you
(I got so sick of blue)
presenting cool and clean in white
he’s such a dazzling sight

*u n d u l a t o r y . . . c u r r e n t s*

ravage sweet
this cavern full of echos

watery wall
full of cascades of traffic
the night rush

sharpened through the blinds
angled through the limbs
sombre with the drizzle

old wounds that ache
where stitchs bound


there are matchbooks
with your perfume
touched moments

not hassled with regrets



She Loved me like a lightning bolt
caressed me like a breeze
She softened the electric jolt
with bloodstained melodies

She met my naive wondering
with worldly teacher's tone
she took the distant thundering
and made it all my own

Her kiss was urgent, ravenous
Her lips a velvet hook
Her deep set eyes were cavernous
with hidden pleasures look

View from here

The stars loom over us
we watch, listen, wonder.
We seek something bigger.

Radiant as we are,
there is no ending here.

Space is suffocating,
it sees no depth to us.
We are as we are.

Eyes reflect what they see,
we see what we are.

Holding back time for now,
we see where we once were,
and look past to the end.

All I need( poetic suicide)

All I need in this life is my pen some paper and a knife because when it comes to poetry I go insane in the brain and can't be contained I am on fire!!! Question my desire and I shall burn u like timber leaving u almost dismembered but u remember me from grade k through 3 I am that test u never passed that feeling u wouldn't couldn't or shouldn't last in my arena called education I am as amazing as a refugee lost in the wilderness
Man my life's a mess
All I need
All I need
All I need is poetry
I am
That N-word

Neopoet Renga 3

It is time to find
our tomorrow's memories
In today's kisses

no matter the day begone
a first kiss eviternal

as the sun does rise
starlings call carries in wind
land on peach dew lips

early footprints clearly seen
Inevitable arc trod

clean sand to walk on
our signature right here
no one before us

buoyant steps to journey so
greetings overcome sorrow

treasured dew drops form
tipping new sunlight colour
love streaming outward



What wonders the imagination can bring
With opened ear and untamed eye
Dreams that we shall toss and fling
And float about towards the sky

By luminous light of thought
Day and night will awaken newly
And become what you have sought
To find your most distant Thule

Never letting go of that which we cherish
The spirit of innocence and truth
Why without it, what would we but perish?
In the darkness of lost youth


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.