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It is a language
that the heart
understands no matter the age,
as the body moves freely
to its tunes

It is a bridge between Earth
and Heaven, making people
to witness the stars twinkling
in unison in a clear, night sky,
as the trees sway to the magical
splendor that vibrates the air
with rainbow colors that only
the young at heart can see

It is a web that connects
every single thing in the Universe
to a rhythm that can surpass
past, present and future,
making our inner joy timeless

Regretfully Yours

to live
without regret
is but a motto for the
modern man sick with intellect.

a modern prick
who loves this place
and a monetary
trophy case.
who cares for popular
circular knowledge
the wisdom of man’s
past eureka hours,
jewels, and flowers.

to live without regard
for regret

to live
as if death were possible
at any sharp fork
within the time span
of said

now this is intellect
in my head

Orange and Yellow Mornings

Orange and yellow back lit
by the rising sun.
Like you could just reach out
and grab a handful of color.
Taste the maple on your lips.
Hang on while it lasts.
To quick to ground,
replaced by the scarecrows of winter.
Don’t just hurry by. Pause a
bit and enjoy.
Who knows for whom there will be
no more orange and yellow mornings.

October zephyrs

October zephyrs briskly blow
to sweep away September's fling
and yesterday's a brief echo -
a tantalising taste of spring

Today the trees cavort, dance, while
October zephyrs briskly blow
and, slyly, ebon clouds beguile
preparing moisture to bestow

in sharp cascades, on all below
prolonging winter's long furlong
October zephyrs briskly blow
and I have heard not one bird's song



you hit your mark
you knew it well.
you knew my heart.
the poison lingers still.
your words like jackals
on the hunt
found their kill.
they ripped and tore
until nothing more
of me
was for the taking,

The Eve of Melancholy

The Light, It sprung up from the Earth
Jetting into space, It's remarkable girth
The children hide in their bunks
Looking through the crack
Beams of light slowly rose,
Gently rose from the line
Its beams-its own spectacle, dancing gracefully
Dancing wistfully
On the Eve of Melancholy


I caught the scent of muscadines
while strolling through a lonely wood,
a mix of tall hardwoods and pines
near where a crumbling chimney stood.

I stopped and breathed that perfume in
brought to me on a warm faint breeze
and I was not surprised when
the rich scent triggered memories.

I closed my eyes let mind wander
through over fifty years of fall
and thus set myself to ponder
about the shortness of it all.

Sleeping Beauties

by Kailashana on Sun, 2012-11-04 17:18

A Quatern.. The Dauntless Heart

It's great to have a dauntless heart,
a one that's filled with lots of hopes,
it always gives your life a start,
when overcomes the crucial slopes.

As life sustains a running peril
It's great to have a dauntless heart
to bravely lash its dangers-feral
that is a pretty real art.

This life is quite the biggest mart,
to trade in good and bad forever.
It's great to have a dauntless heart,
and get the best purchases ever.

Family Tradition

After a year of ups and downs

Everyone with each other

It's something they look forward to

Together no matter the weather


Children's laughter filling the air

While babies cry over it all

Generations of family

Share traditions that are not small


Mother and Father love it so

Wouldn’t  have any other way

As they look at their children

Together on Christmas day


Father in his rocking chair

With all his sons, their sons too

Is proud of the men he raised


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