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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


It's All In The Eyes

The eyes always my first point of contact
Can make my heart contract
They can make me foolishly act
that's a known fact

It's not a smile
that will me beguile
but a twinkle in an eye
that I espy

They say eyes are the reflections of the soul
maybe that can explain to me their romantic role
A wink, a blink can make my confidence rise or sink
I lose all ability to think

If you like me stare, flirt, emphasise
whatever you want just use your eyes
They have the power to hypnotise

Not Alone

When times Are hard.
And things look bad,
You feel alone,
And Are so sad,
When things,
Get crazy ,
In your head,
The things you done,
And also said,
When all the world,
Is At your door,
And you feel,
You cant take,anymore
Just pick a person
In your life.
Be it your Daughter,
Mother or wife,
concentrate on what,
They mean,
Things you done,
The places you been,
The good the bad,
Happy And sad,
It wont solve,
The Issues
That Are there,

A Forlorn Mother

I took a walk on a lonely pathway
By the corner stood a massive anthill
Termites covered it in frenzy movement
I looked through the cassava stems below
There lied a long and lifeless creature
Crunched into by a nest of warrior ants
After it had swallowed a little boy
Left to play by the mother, while weeding
In the farm adjourning the river bank
Given her by late grandfather, dearly loved

To the Editor

Clean; you must be referring to those
few so-called bad words, like;
fuck you you self-righteous-mud-dog,
cleaned up version being,
step away from the clouds my friend.

but not me
at least not anymore
I'll never be your word-whore.

Are you suggesting or demanding,
lifting or demoralizing,
imposing while declaring,
hearing but never listening.

I care not for your moralistic views
and don't want anything to do with you,
my poetic license reinstated,
I fucking said it.

Bucket List

it is time to do my bucket list
bullet points of the things
i should have, could have, would have done
the fun i should have before
the sun sets on me
so i sat
chewed on my pencil
pondered like a kindergarten kid doing subtraction
and the actions i placed on my list were

i want to watch my son grow up
and my wife grow old

i don’t want to sky dive
or walk on the great wall of china
i don’t want to write the great american novel
or sail around the world

Enedentian Epic: Canto I

Far in the outlands, long ago,
where valleys sunk and mountains rose,
when gurgling streams from highlands run
and fishes in the ocean swam,
when grass was green and tree took root, 5
and beasts would eat the flesh of fruit;
beneath the silver shimmering lights
that danced on cold and snowy heights,
through distant fields, through open glades
from watery vales to gloomy shades 10
the world was fair, the world was young,
'ere strife was made, or wrong was done.
The world was young, the world was fair,


To some I am a brother
Both good and sometimes bad
to mum I am a son to love
I hate it when she’s sad
to god I am rebel
With lessons left to learn
To Satan I’m a bad boy
The sort he’d like to burn
to dad I was a wayward son
A girl in every town
to most of then a disappointment
Cos I never settled down
to my sister I’m a mystery
But she loves me just the same
my cousin she just feels upset
When I don’t call her name
to work I am just diligent
And do the best I can

The Last Masterpiece

flowing out of his brush
form became fluid
Indigo blue the first of hues
each stroke a caress

teardrops slide down his face
his memories pierce his heart
with a sigh into deep breath

silver lit hair
her Indigo eyes
abrim with love,
soft white skin

a white dress
and a cornflower
trimmed waist

imprinted in memory
the testament to their love
he raises his hand,
a curving breast
takes shape
her form follows next

In the seeds of sunflowers

Between the fibers
of this page,
an ancient magic
has been laid

Pressing leaves
with mystical power,
kissing the corners
to grow sunflowers

Cherish a word
a wish or rhyme,
making it grow
deep in your mind

Taking the letters
that are your divine,
weave them into
a master design

Make your own mold
and pour yourself in,
to not be yourself
is the greater of sins

Feel the earth
beneath your feet,
build your own kingdom
a heartlands retreat

The Stalker

She created a shrine
she whispered "he's mine"
she smiled and dreamed of their future life
she decided she would be his wife
she followed him day and night -
if spotted she was always polite
she never thought of wrong or right
she never felt the need to be contrite
she never did it out of spite
she just fell in love at first sight
thats the stalkers plight


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.