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Jeremiah 31 Sermons

15This is what the Lord says:15"A voice is heard in Ramah,15mourning and great weeping,15Rachel weeping for her children15and refusing to be comforted,15because her children are no more."


cowbells and buttercups
in a field so green.
butterflies in a deep blue sky
on a sunshine day.
See them all fly away
on rainbow wings

The Gulf in the Sea of Key

Tuscany shades and hues, thatched roof, dry
in a field that's whiskey clear;

pretentious are all my docile minutes
whose very moments l do fear.

Spreckled, twisted awnings gleam
so wildly beautiful to my eye;

the withered truth is replicated
'til it clearly tells a lie.

Afterwards, pressed coats and cardigans
become outfits in many ways;

they'll be lined-up and seen in the fog
just to clarify it's not a haze.

Semi-rusty lemon drops
stretch my pockets to the "full";

Child Abuse

Now is the time to speak the truth
About the events in your youth
The father who came into your bed
Nights that filled your soul with dread
Growing up with a heavy heart
Knowledge that made you stand apart
The teacher who came to your house - unbeknown
When you were home on your own
No one would believe you then, if you'd said
That what he did was forced down your head
Jimmy Savile's made it easy for thee
Speak up little one it will set you free

A Precious Glimpse

Rambling rants of a disturbed mind
genius in his day, one of a kind
fighting against some archenemy
flailing and arguing continuously
family visit heartbroken
in their eyes, no need to be spoken
on a good day he just ignores
their presence, one of his chores
on a bad day swearing and cursing
a painted smile they've been rehearsing
the man they knew is long gone
but in their soul, his memory shone
they keep hoping for a breakthrough
a precious glimpse of the person they knew

for you

to write a song of flawless exultation
is provocation when confined to flesh
with bliss hid by illusion’s tribulation
within this world of manifest’s flat mesh

for all too soon it seems there’s separation
perfection now a thing to never be
a cut that causes cognizant castration
when light grows dim and fades despite all plea

I’ll say my knowing you was worth the pain
had years, when really just a single day
would be enough for anyone to gain
and catch the love of life that you’d portray


I cant copy my heart
and show you a map,
but I can tell how I feel
as we start to backtrack

Crawling with love
roaring in my ears,
its the beat that I feel
and not all that I hear

A touch from a mind
vast oceans away,
is calming me gently
a maelstrom delayed

A shower of teardrops
carved the sorrow and pain,
but the warmth of emotions
is like the sun to the rain

And aching of chambers
pumping life force to free,
another form of healing
drawing sap from a tree


Despite everything sucks, pure anxiety irascible ratshit.
Devilish entertainment surely pertains against indulgent rashness
Doing everlasting sensuality prevent all incessant regurgitations?
Does excellence surely prevail always inexorably returning?

Mais oui!
Definitely Elf survives permanently, allways incredibly relishing

l a v e n d a r . . . g a t e . . . .

the snow was falling
like a gate
the bulb was burning full o fhat
the door was open
just ajar

the tracks were leading
but not far

no one there to run
the car
no light turned off
the storm was far

the snow crept in
and melted fast
the flakes kept falling
dark to last

no one now speaks
of things
left past

when winter nights
come flurry seek

My heart

You often take my breathe away
Which is more then I can ever say
For any other dime or stray
That has ever come my way
With you, it’s been different
Way different
From any other
I remember when I was that shy guy
Who caught your eye
Who would be afraid to try
Any thing
You liked that. But I think you like it more
Now that I’ve grown into a man that you adore
More mature
Yea, you like it… but it is what we have that you love
I remember the first time I laid eyes on you


They disbelieve the evidence
and say I don't exist
but I just laugh and carry on
adding to my woeful list.

I am the whisper in the ear
that unrelenting voice at night
egging on another pawn
to do what none can say is right.

You've seen my work in Nordic lands
my winds were reaped at Columbine
and at a movie's first premier.
Perpetrators all were friends of mine.

Manson is a favorite son
Osama now burns at my side
Son of Sam heeded my prods
Wournos attends me like a bride.


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