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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



One Sunday evening I remember,
Just a little before night ‘twas exactly twilight.
I walked till I found this chick
Trying hopelessly: jumping, hopping and squealing
Hoping to get out of the gutter hole
In which mother hen has left her
After so many failures in bringing her out, or so I thought.
I would help her out,
But my weary legs would not yield to my mind;
Because I like the chick is trapped and shackled in the dark
Prison of my thoughts;
Shouting, screaming and stretching forth my hands

strange dreams

I'm drifting to dream
Falling wounds opened tonight
Awake to sunshine

Do Soul Mates Really Exist

Soul mates exist
between two people
committed to each other

Not looking at greener pastures
something fresh
but freshen up one you vowed

Through rough and tough
happy and joyous
and going is to a scrawl

You're about to throw in the towel
call it quits but then you don't
you stick it out with your soul mate


Alpha Delta Kilo
Zero fivers three
Requesting for start up
Start up approved
Ready for take off
In position cleared
Take off runway two-two
Departure right on course

Control tower print out published
Brought sad memoirs of the inferno
Nom de plume reduced to ashes
Mocked our mean attempt to excel
Queried the way we do things here
I look back at the disasters
I see the elusive hand of fate
A decade of recycled woes

*.....>N i m B<....*

slim shake getter
the purple morning
is a room beneath your

the moon swallows
the dreams
against the width
of oval ovid true

immense this hue
the laugh a whisper
the lavendar theory
held broken in pockets

listerine and Tina

greyhound ghosts

curb the crisp helio lisp
while sun ignites your
crepuscular smile
we walked the magic mile
losing wavelengths
on magnetic tape

all those songs you
said you've come to hate

Silver String unraveling

sensuous slide of candiru
microgram of the guinea worm
established vectors of swine flu.
ebola's soul in frightful form

of the pandemics something more
duet required, eyes glazed with hell
vectors unleash the oozing sore
and we all kindly open cell

two to four and four to eight grow
nibbling faster through us they go
cures obscure and circus lure blow
hucksters twitch from the tree moon's glow


From my chin a hair is sprouting
My cracks need a bit of grouting

I’m often seen plastered
This ladylike thing I haven’t quite mastered

But I’m good for a bit of craic
Of laughter there is no lack

I’ve been told I’m incorrigible
But I think I’m loveable

I’m always going to be a rogue
Achilles heels I have to poke

Sensitive souls mightn’t like my humour
But that might be a nasty rumour

Then again I’m a bit of a divil-may-care
So if you don’t like it stay outta my hair

I Live

I live in the spirtworld..
Where wrath of time
Is prose impearled

Take my pen and paint your shore
Sixteen pence
Is twice two four

Commence your golden shaded lore
And shape my words
To tend no more

Dalia Lama

Dalai Lama…
Not for gridlocks all between our china politic taking some debaters come from Japan. Fishing islands as called are lands of china.
Facts are true as Tibet lands belong to DALAI LAMA.
DALAI LAMA philosophic white lies mention pains are no the same as suffers.
DALAI LAMA needs to fetch the facts as TIBET must belong to his tribes.
TIBETAN Buddhism manifests gods of mercy all by religion dressings.
Who will help the body minds or spiritual powers?

The priest and the raven

The priest and the raven
Catholic and Pagan
Shared time
In the garden of men

The priest dreamed of heaven
Lasting redemption
Immaculate conception
Virginal women

Honoured, beloved and blessed

But also remembered
Hot days in the sun
Barefoot and naked
And exuberant, spirited sex

And the raven flew
Black feathered and searching
High above earth

Cracking the bones of the living

Snapping the bones of the dead


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.