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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Twilight's Standings on her Landings

I measured out in twilight, past
how cold was the chandelier sky,
I viewed fine lacettes made from shadows
as I slipped into twilight without a try.

Had you been there, I would've taken you into
night's neon-star, lightning maze,
you'd have to hold on to me ever, so tight
for the trip lasting seconds, felt like days!

With a wink, and a blink I took a ride in the sky
in a fraction of twilight, so quick!
I grabbed hold of an odd-numbered moonbeam
and was flying so fast, I felt sick!


I'm not able, I won't, I can't
this is the weak person's chant
makes me want to rant
try to stay calm but I can't


Which sort of virus would I like to have?
on my computer damaging my work?
on my text phone spying on me?
Or one placed in my body by lust?

Of all of these if I were to rave
I'd prefer the one with the perk
Except if the virus was HIV
And was a betrayal of trust


In the spheres before time began to tick
Man occupied a crowned glorious estate
Man-god, he could do almost anything
He fell and lost his place in paradise

Most children basked in reflected glory
Of love and protection of their parents
Good old days, a dream in far away land
Before the final walk out of Eden

Lonely journey, this man must undertake
Each step forward is a return to source
His purpose, to secure safe homecoming
As he gropes the dark forest of errors

E R M I N E .. T U R P E N T I N E ..

gather up the plans
the smoking end
the lavender glade

is awake at the bend
the gentle river width
that flows

like candle burning monks
whom know

and hopi eyes
the brother twins
that walk the skies
beyond the mayan
moments thrill

the tender madness
in the mask
greeting the morning
here at last

set auto lock
and hide the keys
its time to watch
the hungry movement
in the trees

all of that which
has become and leads
what history sees

Untitled ephemera--updated

Where will I be tomorrow.
will you be there
to light my way
or will I be elecrtrc blue.
sparkling colors bright..
will I know ecstasy
when here I end
or will I be disappointed

Smokin' !...

While searching for some recipes
Killer heard of something new to try
Cannabis smoked froggy legs
He heard it from some hippie guy

Frog legs smoked in weed
Where can I get a frog?
There’s a swamp here in the city
A place that’s called “Vale’s Bog”

But the water is frozen over
It’s cold, winter-time right now
No frogs to be seen here-a-bouts
Have to wait for my froggy chow

Then, as Killer thought it hopeless,
much to his surprise
What did he see, just walking,
right before his eyes?

1AM, It's a New Year

Just a few hours more
about half a day for the rest
for each timezone on the globe
we tear off the last sheet of our calendars
and sixty minutes after midnight
into the new year we find ourselves
at the doorstep of 1AM
the First Year After Maya
Happy New Year to each one
take this gift as a new leash on life
Your world has not ended, yet
And there is much still to be and do!

Eve of 2013

Vomit spewing everywhere,
On her face and in her hair
Pretty girl of yesteryear
Dead drunk

Angry man at passing station
Does he represent the nation?
Fights his friend of yesteryear
Dead drunk

Unable to stand upright
rowdy reveller of the night
Damaged liver from yesteryear
Dead drunk

Singing loudly, beer in hand
Unconscious to their fellow man
Enforced ASBO yesteryear
Dead drunk

The Corridor (A Prose Poem)

Creak Creak.
The wooden steps beneath my feet as I walk deeper down the dungeons corridor. The light of the lantern above leads me, though I know not where. Brick laid walls are all I see, the dimensions seemingly coming closer with each step.
Turning and turning, lower and lower.
Haunting vibrations run through my spine as I hear a shrill noise. Bellowing voices call out below, like cries from the depths of hell.
Further still, I venture.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.