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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Remembrence day

the 11 th hour,on the 11 th day,On the 11 th month,,We hope and pray,For all our soldiers,Fighting this day,That they return,All safe And sound,We need no more,In hallowed ground,So use this day,To Pray for All,And pray,That no more will fall,Think of the friends,That we have lost,The senseless Fighting,The lives Its cost,I will pray,For my Kingsmens Mates,Who lost there lives,In conflicts,Small And great,And pray that they,Will forever live,In our hearts,For what they've give,There faces I still see,And forever will,It haunt me,RIP,

Like Bugs On Windscreens

The tempo trips
stops shortly
attempts at

All life is here
the good, bad

And yet
something else to be achieved
The Voice
must be perceived
as Truth
for the crafter of honest visions

Before the ranks
of angle poised
smear and distort
the crafter of honest visions

Like a distressed bug
on a colliding windscreen
It's upon before



I sit here at my computer
with my flight controller on
Don't worry my child
This wont take long

I fly my Drone,
across deserts sun blazed,
seeing with its eyes,
a man standing amazed.

He stand's with no fear,
just does't realise.
Never seeing me,
a drone flies, his demise

In my room so far away,
"Yes" I will kill him today.
Maybe take out a family or two
It matters not to me, or you.

lilac moons from a master

As Infinitesimal leaves
plucked by a great seer
it started,

half-light birthed
and a lilac moon erupted,
from a crown of pine

all this,
a master at work

I observed,
invisible hands
slowly smear the canvas,
Water Lilies now splash
in my pastel sky,

existing for eons,
since waters lapped
at Uluru,
since hanging rock
was submerged
never knowing a glory
of impression,
wedges of oceans had

A Poetic Dream

I want to be a great poet
Make you think and ask questions
Seek the answer to know it
Beautiful poems I want to write

Deep in your heart I want to touch
Bring what I see into your site
Can I get you to laugh and cry
Write my poetry on your mind

I want to write with conviction
To be able tell stories of rhyme
That makes me have to consider
How to write every line

With words new things I will try
Invoke an emotion inside
So you have an experience
Lay it all out on the line


He promised me ecstasy
I got sausage and chips
He promised me kisses twee
too short on my lips
He got down on one knee
couldn't get up with his hips
he promised me he was free
my ear his girl clips

Passing Moment Beach

A man began a regiment
of walking down the beach,
another counted grains of sand
and placed them out of reach.

The first continued walking
up and down the shore,
whenever he would raise his head
he'd see and feel much more!

Their differences seem rather stark
each owned moments, equally;
they parted in perspectives
for their own is all they'd see!

One could easily remember
each moment held by hand,
the other's souvenirs were visions
the counter couldn't understand.


behind the wafer blades
the poly lens bends the sky
all blue and laced

contrails of imaginative worry

sweep away in angles
the thick delicate dark
of night Mascara lick

brilliant shine
the dance of light
the luminous iris glow
catching bright

kiss kiss
and lightly shake
the curtsey bow
pleasantries take

Sit the order of dark
roast is arriving
bask in perfumes
start of mental divining



Drinking With The Moon

I open my mouth
To taste Selene's ambrosia
She pour it to me -
A cascade of silver rays
Its sweetness burns my eyes
Its bitterness
Stings my lips
- The pain
Makes me want to bite my lips
But I love feeling this tingling
Yes. Her wine is bitter-sweet
It's lonely to drink alone
I raise my hand
And ask for another cup
And once more
She pours it to me
In a graceful movement
Of her ethereal hands
She showers it to me
Feeling its coldness on my skin


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.