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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Leaning Over

Filling me up until my hands shake on the ends of these thin arms.
Wrap themselves around the body they belong to
in a slow coil like thievery
and untold stories full with sin.

The bones, they bend
so hand over shoulder
ghost white skin
lay on top and weave under;
these bones with a place for my forehead to rest,
these lips mutter prayers as they lean into nest.


I got up
out of bed
got dressed
fed the cats
and myself

turned on the tv
news and weather
looked outside
it was sunny
but cool on the windows

sat, smoked, thought
half a day gone

pointless but true
not all inspirationy
or exciting
but true nonetheless

my life this morning
in a piece for
your boredom relief tonight

a dull poem
for sure
but it took some of your time
away from
creeping all over you

The Electric Bordeaux Acid Test

The stemmed glass slowly rotates
Held up to the sun
Its contents swirl in easy motion

Carmines plum and ruby
Subtle rainbows tease
My imagination already
Tantalized by too much wine.

How many times
Have momentous thoughts
Random as these
As blurred of focus
Been so confidently
Brought to life

While looking through a
Glass of half gone

Too many
I'll wager
Too many

To The Peasant

You are the scarecrow
that watches over the barren fields
That land
that feeds her children with thorns ;

a keeper of ducks
that never return home

You are the breath
that the old sun despises
She slaps you
With a tyrannical stare
of fate

You are the pica
that the terrestrial vulture
craves for
with a cunning tongue
at dawn

You are whom
antediluvian's bewitched face
dance to
with cheetah's feet

When The Jokes Are No Longer Funny

Late into the year,
the excitement of the new
has long faded.

The heat of the day
grows at the slightest

Smiles are plastic
and last a little longer.

Idiosyncrasies play
like a broken record,
repeating ad nauseum
to your heightened tension.

Then fun begins to hurt
from the saturation of the heart
and the closet misanthrope begins
to play.



It has become a quiet
not much spoken
little heard
and I forbear the day
with the silence terror brings,

I am a puppet on a broken string
an incongruous human machine.
I’ve lost control.
I’ve lost my hold
on pride and dignity
and it seems to me
I’ve lost myself
in my own insanity

Useless are the words
the Mind seeks
Painful are the words
the Soul speaks.
Never to be heard
are the whisperings
that silence brings.


A wistful still, 
no wind, 
no song of bird, 
nothing stirs. 

The world seems half asleep, 
no weeping willows here,
just birches, firs and hornbeams 
beaming at the spring to come, 
each of them in their row, 
where thrushes gather in the fall 
to gorge on berries one and all.

It's evening, the time of rest,
when silently the night,
gathers in the light,
spreads an indigo instead.

Shakespeare ala loved creativity

thou dwellest with -in

ma heart

like dwellest

twas yesterday


thy love cometh

like a fountain

burstin all the way...

twill be a living life,

when twill be a game of friendship ...

hasn’t ever struck you

that we or twill be one poet...

like none as tomorrow comes


this day dieth

was that not anointed yet say

some shalt

some day




lived like none else

on the ma earth

till dis day

so be it today


The words no longer held at bay
now escaping from our thoughts
to form upon our lips
to spill forth but

Still not ready to use the word "dying"
Use kinder words that skirt the unspeakable
Death now again approaches our door
It is not welcome, We are not ready

Does the bastard have to be so cruel
Strips one of his dignity, enters with pain and fear
and utter embarrassment
Forced to keep others out, knowing they will see

Pills, Restlessness & Prosody

An overdose of pills,
of heartache
and a nap
on the shrink's arm chair.

There's too much
to focus on;
so little time
to think on it.

It's like
an Olympic dash,
but the track extends
to the far future.

And I hear it doesn't end.

When there are no storms
to draw one's fancy,
one looks within,
at the hurricane;
in the mirror
a gorgon stares back blankly.

This is not a masquerade,
this is life.


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