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Hidden Lies

Love once shattered my soul
painful dreams shadowed me
from all harm, scars settled
deep inside.

Time slips by
memories of who she was
scatter as the breeze bellows
through the trees.

Tender thoughts flee endlessly
intensity floods with every beat
mummers trigger misfire
frozen alibis melt the truth away.

Time slips by
ecstasy dissipates from
hidden lies.
Reflections of inner heart.

A Star's Name

I look at the sky
starless in its ebony light
searching for the one
known by the name
written in my soul.

I see you
out there all alone
and I call your name
the sound traveling
through time and space
reaching its intended

Then like a breeze
Sailing upon
a moonlit ocean
paint me a picture
with your brush
of words

of angels and insects

what if
after i cried and
the door slammed
and sirens stopped
and tubes
threaded down
my throat were
wormed into veins
if crevices were
given up to
your hands that
do not love me

after tongues
like steel
tug of latex and
lysol sheets
light, tight as

what if suddenly

The Wine

My mind said no
Because of the wine
My body said go

Influence by the wine
I couldn't say no
Now I'm in a bind

My head is spinning
I can't say no
So you're winning

You scored a home run
I was out
Now We're done


Walking Backward, Tripping Over Snakes

My love for you: As pure as lungs need air to breathe,
but that was not meant to be; your absence suffocates me.
I turn to follow prints of feet, crossing deserts to find Plan B;
all that's found are skulls and bones, it makes no sense to walk backwardly.
There is no resurrection of a love-dead-gone affection
when oxygen no longer longs for lips or passing through another's fingertips,
and that's exactly what I need in order to have the strength to run.

Haiku #9

an eagle in flight -
the sky entangles its blue
into an eye

From The Corner Of My Eye (rewrite)

From the corner of my eye,
Your love I feel so strong,
When I stare straight ahead,
I know that I am wrong.

From the corner of my eye,
Your kiss is soft and real,
When I stare straight ahead,
It's for someone else to feel.

From the corner of my eye,
Your heart belongs to me,
When I stare straight ahead,
That devotion is for her to see.

From the corner of my eye,
You whisper softly in my ear,
When I stare straight ahead,
It's just for her to hear.

A Dust Of Fairy

Tiny little fairy, fluttering in the sky,
So beautiful,and full of wonder,
It makes me want to cry.

Her wings are the color of life,
Like a rainbow after the rain,
Or how the sun, colors the drops,
Clinging on the window pane.

The song she sings,with the setting sun,
Is a sweet and peaceful tune,
Telling us the day has faded,
And the moon will be here soon.

She curls up in a rosebud,
There she will make her bed,
The petal will be her blanket,
The bud is where she will lay her head.

If love was the wind
passing through the autumn trees,
the melody heard
would sound as a lovely hymn

Like the birth
of the morning sun,
warming us with its light,
or rain giving life too all the earth

Love is the fertile soil
that is in our hearts,
A place to plant a seed
cultivating it to grow true and loyal

You will have the rains of May
fall gently so you may drink
giving the strength
to make love live another day,


This one is a "textural tone" poem, in the sense that it needs to be RECITED to better understand the intended rhythm and texture of the piece.
I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on howc successful you think this was.
P.S. The reference to "sectional fantasy want" is just an internal architectural joke...

© Cyrus Dali Vesuvala


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