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they will say
don't eat spinach
it glows, much greener
than it should
don't make love
unless you cover that sucker
for the babies you make
will be misshapen,
useless lumps
the world will
all feel sorry for
and we will
give them
vacations to
and rides on ponies
and fifty years
from now
we'll forget
how the earth shook
the waves rose and

someone will blame god
because it's easy

for the birds (vignette)

seven small finches

breath on windows
spelled numbers cubed

tiny parts, tiny days
the song is tired he said

some days it can melt you

the way
light falls on
the inside of your arms
as you brush your hair
creates an ache for
parts of you
i do not know

i must be inspired
you stay

morning's purple

its torn, bloodied lip

and dawn ridicules us
clouds balance out color
before storms

you can go now

and all the words
are falling
through the floor
water is seeping
into every crack
walls bulge
with wide-eyed
no matter what
you won't be back
it's ok though
i can handle that

as a matter
of fact
it wasn't you
who broke
for every pane
for every ache
it's all still intact

did i ever mention
the way you
affected every
little thing i did,
i do-

Love is the gentle, soothing, refreshing, breeze
On a warm summer night
On the back porch of my little country home
Watching the gibbous moon slowly glide across the dark sky

Lust is the whirlwind on a dusty afternoon
As the rain clouds and thunder storms start to form
Behind the large, orange, glowing, sunset
Chasing little girls and boys inside from their play

Love is the tender waves lapping at the shorelines
On a cool summertime beach
On the steps of my seasonal beach house
Watching the stars meet the ocean

Is It Love or Is It Lust

When I hear your voice
I feel warm inside, like
Butterflies gliding in the wind
On a hot summer day

When I see your smile
My flesh tingles with passion, like
Goose bumps on my skin
On a cool breezy day

When I imagine your touch
I feel a hot stream building, like
Hot springs on Niagara Falls
In the depths of my stomach

Is it love or is it lust
Love is, lust does, can’t have one without the other

When you fall out of love with Mr. Wrong

Don’t lie to me
Nothing you say now will ever touch me
Nor will it affect me like before
When the wintry cold storm of your anger
Burned like frost between my toes

I don’t get it
No amount of ridiculing will make me see it
Nor will it help me get the jokes
When the bluster of your words
Move me from my peaceful state

Behind my bastions of cement and brick
Swords and daggers safeguard my heart
Fighter planes loaded with denials
Create a no fly zone over my fortress
When you try to tear down my wall

Nature of Love at Sunset

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Let’s climb a mountain

A mountain thriving with laughter and daisies

And feast as a sunset drop


Let’s swim a river

A river flowing with affection and roses

And hug under a starlit sky



‎"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." Albert Camus

Walking in your shadow
I had to stay back
Be undermined
Give you slack
Try hard
to be what you needed

your ambivalence wavered
Till the decision came
Suggesting you
had made up your mind

But know this -
There are lovers
for whom longing
is enough...
I am not among them.

BB 25 October, '10


I’d give up this sumptuous life
to join an Ashram
sleep on nails or cold as, floors
under darkened skies, with dead-stopped clocks
behind broken locks of discarded rooms
filled with their eternal silence,
deafening out the droning,
dumbing down the knowing,
flagellating this tempestuous longing -
just to be within reach of


On His Blindness
By John Milton (1608-1674)


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