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Editing - rough draft


The leaves about are mostly green
but many have become bright red
as crimson as bold roses seen
in midst of any flower bed.

After the thunder, all is still,
nary any type of wild birds sing.
The slightest whispers now sound shrill
and bitter haze makes tired eyes sting.

The passing tempest left trees shattered
on both sides of this rutted road
where once horse drawn hearses clattered
while transporting their dismal load.


I remember the first time
My parents took me to school
I wore an oversized white shirt
Tucked into a large brown khaki shorts
With braces hanging on my shoulders
I stood in the middle of the class
With a black slate and chalk in hand
Like a fish out of water, quivering
The sight of the teacher with a cane
Made me afraid and I cried

Observation - entry three the paralytic diaries

Booze Hound entry three 

Noticed Lou watching me
Typing upon her iPad 
Furiously recording
my mishaps and my triumphs  

God that bitch is scary 
Tried to lose her
Running down side streets
Dodging into pubs

Breathless and about to pass out 
drenched in alcohol laced sweat
Hiding in doorways 
But she still observes

I fall over and play dead
On a pillow made of my own vomit,
she still pursues, and posts my news
Booze Hound and his daily abuse.



I speak my passion in open words
my soul knows no other way
that is my fashion
my DNA
my gypsy
my Latin fire
seething in nordic cold
the spirit that defines

I am of the species human
survivor of my humanity
different and the same
as all those of my kind

I am a warrior
pushing through time
a hero like all others
for having survived
in a war
we are bound to lose

Every Song

Every song I hear
Is related to you
you are the music
That is constantly
Playing in my head

Can you hear it too

Life has been
like a beautiful Love song
Since I heard the sweet tones
Which flowed from your lips
Making me feel alive once again

My heart now dances
Where before you came
It had forgotten the steps
With you I will stay
Until the end of my days

Every song I hear
Is related to you
you are the music
That is constantly
Playing in my head



She looks at me from a distance
Gives searching glances
As she blushes she smiles
I smile too,
No, not at her
But within

Is her smile really for me?
I await a moment
To feel the vibration
Of the nerves
All over my surface
Each like a real erection

I feel the twitch,
I assure myself to smile
As the power I pitch
Whenever next
She peeks.

Oh! I wonder whether she’ll smile
As she once did.


why blow a smoke ring
if we can not shed logic
in quest of abstract

Time Slip

I'm tired but my day won't end,
too much that isn't done.
I started this day yesterday,
laying down
but sleep won't come.
So many things are unattended
but I cannot even move,
the demands won't stop
on the bed I've dropped
maybe my mind will follow soon.


a shard heart
heres the bend
before the break
where the light
bright passes through

dont cut your fingers
as startled the thick
wind of a ravens wing
swoops overhead
and the shadow
and fear ignites
before exploding in wonder

just a small bead of blood
like ink for scribing
the tender point
like a flint blade

I'll write love Haikus
across your delicate
chest just below the
bow of clavicle

But I wanted fire in my eyes


Your lips wound me
with the beauty of your poems,
parchment-thin my heart
must always listen,
I do not know what comes over me,
even now
is it my shallow art?

The moon rising near the end of August banishes me
to the hinterland,
sea to sand,
we were destined to meet.

"There are better uses of time.", I protested
you said nothing
and left me
a killing frost.



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