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Editing - rough draft

Tending the Garden

Tending the Garden

In the articulation of snowflakes
the sun is never shamed;
compelled, the moon makes no excuses for her brilliant
display of turning towards and away,
her silver ballgown, slivers of reflection on
the open sea

Tissue Paper Love

Walk up to the mall.
Many of us are waiting there.
Scan along the many stalls
And choose us by the label.

If you find a fancy one
Upon a flimsy whim,
Take care to keep another spare
In case you're done too soon.

Walk about and show us off
And call us pretty names.
Wipe a tear, and then some phlegm,
For that's all the value in us.


I am unworthy to talk of faith
When it comes to religious feats
I know we can not all be wrong
God is who we say He is, though
I wonder who we say He really is
From whom He is, and who He is not
I look at the sacred places of adulation
To see holy empires and kingdoms
Unlike the glorious days of Olympians
Of gods pleading to be left alone
From the extractions of idolatry
That has gripped our belief systems
On the eternal journey of mankind
From what we think is pure and true



The minutes are heavy and long
and I begin to fall into those dark places
where there is no dreaming.

the wars go on.
and am losing to inevitability.
my spirit is beginning to break .
my walls are crashing down.

my soul if that is what I feel
kneels to disbelief.
my reason seeks the bliss of madness.
my heart clings to illusion

there is no peace.
I struggle to find a way
but the minutes are heavy and long
and nothing of me will be left
at the end of today

K o n s u m e d

tear wet and lust gleaming
hearts souls
collision course

crash into rooms
inscence filled
and candle fueled
the shower hot water
still running
like a midnight trail
Terazzio to carpeted lair

let me taste their thirst
the maiden pale flesh
and saturate the dark
reaching walls with
your yearning cries

Unhappy girl come to lay
your head upon me cry and
let this melancholic music
soothe unending why's

Music (by eddy styx)


The beating of my heart
goose steps to thoughts
of last night
when the moon
was dark and new
my blood quickens
pulse throbbing
to the tune of
the lyrics I carved
on your pliant skin
starting below
your almost perfect breasts
my stiletto strokes
were accompanied
by your piercing screams
the composition
of your primal fear
and my lust
created the music
of the night

Hello: Tis Freedom

Are your holidaying out there,
In the loneliness of wilderness,
At peace with yourself
Comfortable with a lap top
If it be so, enjoy your hard earned freedom,
Which normal human beings get seldom
Then remember me,
Who am I?

The Little Stranger

Frail, delicate, beautifully tender
Steals into life a thornless flower.
Bereft, hopeless craves for a mother
Cursed, gets spleen, lifelong hunger

Heinous, uncaring nature to discover
Sprouting up into a paling colour
Precious dreams slowly melt into vapour
Bleak , sorely dying stalks wither

Soft fry, street old stager
lives and dies, utter stranger.

A dragon's tale...

A dragons tale…

Fun you said as you soared fast and free,
carrying our hopes and me over troubled times
No longer were you willing to be,
a horrid monster of legend and nursery rhymes.

I’ll fly children on my back make new friends,
having all the pleasures of being loved and wanted.
Giving back in return a warmth that never ends,
real friendship that was once only ever flaunted.

the woman in the black burka

she floated by
as if in a waking dream
rain was falling


at once I knew
her long black body
the sun


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