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Editing - rough draft

Part 2 of a truly offensive poem, for Rhiannon

I'll take Rhiannon's lead and do a limerick

The poet was truly appalling
his peers broke his legs now he's crawling
they ripped out his tongue
and then it was flung,
to the fishes who gave it a mauling

The Early Vagabond

In the not so distant future
from a past not far away

where the "twain" does meet and greet the early dawn;

and the "well at purse" can do no worse
but fetch a castle high;

with his minions outside shivering on the lawn,
hence greet the early vagabond.

Back then the primitive did hail
we've not flagged too far since

obligated and elated either way;

but you tell me if you'd agree
if we'd have half a chance

I once owned a horse we called Fred.
I feared he was slow in the head.
One day, he'd not ride,
so I sliced up his hide,
and proceeded to beat him 'till dead!

EKPO – The Black Masquerade

When the sound of big ekpo drums
Reverberated from the village square
Talking drums conveyed messages
Cracked by trained ears of initiates
The cult ensured a peaceful social order
And guided the steps of men for good

Everywhere became black and dark
Not by threatening rain cloud, nor smoke
But by masquerading guiding spirits
Of our customs and values in the clans
When criminals and evil doers were nailed
From head, pinned to the ground, in disgrace

Apologies Apologies

Nothing changes with hateful birds
apologies, apologies 

The cold-hearted fish with much to say
nothing constructive

Always condemning finding fault with every thought
with one you claimed to love and cherish
apologies apologies

All the money in the world, or
romantic overtones can make the pain any less painful 
like a lion in the bush ready to strike, it still rocks the senses
apologies apologies


I saw a pigeon;
I heard a ' bang!'.
There was no bird.

I saw a plaice;
I heard a 'splash!'.
There was no fish.

I saw a tree;
I heard a 'han!'.
There was no forest.

I saw a house;
I heard a 'boom!'.
There was no shelter.

I saw a Man;
I heard a "nothing!."
There was no being.


was it the perfection
that was shattered
the worlds whimper

suffer the day
the brilliant occurence
these gifts

overlay my life with
dark eclipse
with one step in the darkness
and the other in the light

I fill the vision coffers
and speak the hopes
this blaze
held trust

alive and well

and yet

Ive been dead before
been lost
and been found



Riding waves electric
like bolts of lghtening
striking deep inside my brain
I touch upon my own madness
perceptions sharp and clear
dark knowings and understsndings
too painful for my mind to bear
my voice to speak

my thoughts and senses carry me
deeper into seeing
and like madmen, seers and fools
I suddenly know a dfferent dreaming

The World Is in Dire Need

Of great heart-ed generous folks like you
No poem has a second draft,
Till someone points out with intentions true

Yes I give due credit too.

That I am really not adept,
At the finesse of writing,
Imaginary and metaphorical poetry,
Is known to me

Why can't we call a spade,
a spade?
It’s bothering me.
Why should I say moon,
When I mean your face
Why should I condemn you,
Just to field a gloomy face.

Do tell me….

Jealousy's Voice

Your hatred
Became the nicotine
To my

Addicted to negativity
Even if it
Belittles me

Your every word
Was an earthquake
To my confidence

No pill can mute
Jealousy’s voice
Only the sound
Of success’s laughter


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