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Editing - rough draft

The absolute truth

I'll beat you bloody
with my bare bruised fists
you will hear me
as I scream
truth! truth! truth!
no matter what the truth
it's mine
you swine
grovel in submission
I am the super man
gainsay me if you can
when I say nothing.

My truth is mine,
you swine.
Every opinion is right and no-one could possibly be wrong.

A nightmare dream...

A nightmare dream

I dreamt of a nightmare I once had
that frightens me no longer
thinking of this dream or nightmare
I feel now I am stronger.

This nightmare was a life I had
long ago when I was cowed
I dropped this life along with fear
to stand and say I’m proud.

Proud to be the man I have become,
even more so of my kin
Through them I’ve found my perfect niche
also that sometimes we can win


He Lives with more than one abuser
The older one is a boozer
The younger thinks he's a loser

He wants to seriously hurt them each
The older one uses her speech
The younger uses anything in reach

He now drinks to stay calm
The older one wont answer to mom
The younger one is a time bomb

He sits in his dark room by oneself
The older one dis relates herself
The younger one abuses himself

I Rise

I was down and out  
Languishing in the black bowels of Hell
Writhing in agony  
Mental anguish debilitating me

But now I'm back
And I rise
Im fighting,
Im on the attack

Loneliness won't defeat me
I'll grab life by the scruff
And get what's mine
I'll defend my corner 

Sick of being walked over
Trodden on
I will prevail
Life wont win

Won't be tossed about
By others actions and my emotions
Im taking back my power
I'm not giving in



I am a pale reflection of yesterday
a shadow wandering through the days
painful to itself and the soul it bears.
the child I was to those who bore me.
lingers somewhere in patient anticipation
not knowing what is to come
yet certain of its coming...
and wishiing it were not so

Sonnet 18 (Shakespeare) For Workshop

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,


Rain (inspired by Kailishana's Om Shanti Om)


rain droplets
intermittent patter
wet splotches on the ground
not yet committed
to downpours deluge
somewhere nearby
an open window
I detect the strains
of guitar music
plucked from minor chords
an accompanying voice
lifts me from my reverie
leaving my melancholy
somewhere behind me
unexpected passion
comes to me this night

The Nomad Flute (by WS Merwin for workshop)

The Nomad Flute

You that sang to me once sing to me now
let me hear your long lifted note
survive with me
the star is fading
I can think farther than that but I forget
do you hear me

do you still hear me
does your air
remember you
oh breath of morning
night song morning song
I have with me
all that I do not know
I have lost none of it

but I know better now
than to ask you
where you learned that music
where any of it came from
once there were lions in China


Om Shanti Om

When the rain
drowns out the sound of
the nomad flute
listen to the sun
in the desert,
listen to the heart,
your sitar stings
being plucked from above
and let the rain come
as it must.


rains hiss upon the skin of ground
the debris hubris of humanity
and worn seasons gifts shed
with thick winds and
gusty showers

Leavings of you surround me
the ghost songs
saturate the walls
and infiltrate my dreaming

the warmth pervades
upon the cold flourescent
light cast
everywhere my memory
walks you are there

receeding waypoint from


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