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Editing - rough draft

Burning Fridge

I recall
Years down the ladder of time,
When our maid opened the fridge,
It had moist vapours ensuing
She alarmed all present there
Hello all come and see,
The fridge is burning.

We all laughed at her simplicity,
The maid was shunning.

Time Is God!

Let past slumber
In the folds of time
Let another sunrise each time


To bring glory
In the name of God

Whom you call Allah
I call Time.

Year's End

My Lady sleeps now,
pale upon a bower
of brown world,
dreaming new spring
on a bed of old year
wrapped in frost
and hints of coming snow.

Her breath is stilled,
in the growing cold
and darkening skies
all left behind
by Autumn's flight
across the world,

a shred of... (2 of 3)

his forehead bulges, releasing
a stream of glop through the
popped breaking nose, making room
clenched eyes spew blooded tears, shut tight
against the invading paragraphs and notes
his fists slaves against the relentless shoving

none of the villagers step forward
to stop or hasten this madness
it is not finished yet

some do release a whimper, though
when his screeching chokes, lips clamp
closed while cheeks shiver and bulging
neck expands, shoulders swelling
and skin stretches taut

a shred of... (1 of 3)

they all look at him now
he looks to the great scroll
unrolled to the horizon

over a mile of paper, industrial, delivered
in the only truck the villagers had ever seen
it had taken him half a day to unroll it
four years to fill it with erudition
he wanted the answer

he had started his task with what he knew
wrote about all he heard and saw
then villagers helped with stories from generations
old school books and childrens rhymes


slender as wings
let them
sleek rest
against the

and winter settles
like a dream
falling slow in motion

I can stay aside with
you forever
watching this city
becoming light
the whisper
of histories
with shadows

The last ten minutes

She will wonder what to wear to the execution,
and may show in an array of yellows.
What in the name of your silly ass god are you doing,
why are you here for this, looking so ready to see me go.
Cover my eyes so I can't see her love any more,
or any less.

If we could but hang around our coffins
like curious little misfits with a penchant
for hiding behind the curtain somewhere
over the rainbow
the prevailing myth of fantasy
would certainly be heard as the tree
falling in the forest no one hears

frankly speaking, the tree is dead.

Barks stripped of essential gentility, no passion
remains, no rage, no
beguiled forest to lose oneself in
nothing to be held back

the will-o'-the-wisp enters the shadowland,
head first, heart last

Taunting Reality

Looking into piercing eyes
As reality slips into a coma
And for a moment tyranny
Doesn’t hold onto society

Today, the sunset seduces
The clear sky captivates
And the birds over head
Sing songs of harmony

A mother’ has no need for tears
The old beggar need not ask
The child isn’t afraid
The world seems
Like endless possibilities
That replace this taunting reality

If one can believe this
It can be true
We all need something
To see through
A mirror just wouldn’t do


We call it ‘awuff’,
Free gifts
Surpluses sometimes
Free loaders like a whole lot
Some people say it runs the stomach
It is free, they won’t stop loading
Till the stomach is filled up with junks

Most people clamour for such things
They say, after all, life is free
Even the air we breath
So they accumulate, amass and collect
Freely from those who give the needy
For givers are said to be rewarded more
And blessed than those who receive


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