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Editing - rough draft


cargo lithe
this spirit flesh
excites like a winter surge

rakish falls the day behind
drab torn fountian clouds
cold and pallid

pour the fire from decanters
and let slip ambrosia


let night find us
drowsy with angel touch
let the black winged wind
play its orchestra

and the moon shall ferry
the lost

the remembering

I love you
only because angels have wings
and death is too heavy to carry
the remembering,

we fly
you and I,
old soldiers clashing now and then
on the battlefield of perception,
fucking age from our bodies,
wild with monsoons, cherry blossoms
and the savage moon

Death and the soliloquy

Death and the soliloquy, turn a blind eye.
Side the heavens till morn, ever riding...
The hills converse a warning;
Eternity’s change of robes, fray,
Friar’s tongue decays to feed the rising earth.
Water of the sea ascend, frothing, vaporising,
Hues to view prismatic reality.
Survival of the fit, write to dust
Which hardens to stone,
Hence weathered lessons and eroded teachings,
Meet the sea, ascend once more and again

the true nature of shoes

I remember Kruschev pounding his shoe at the UN,
the heckler throwing his at Bush,
it's a good thing some folks have shoes
it's a better thing to know the shoes of the fisherman
are on loan to anyone who will wear them.

The scorpion's nature is to sting
the frog that would carry him across the lake,

Both die in the end.


I heard you insulted our kind
We are born like everyone else
Of a woman, to this world
White amongst the black race

I do not blame your ignorance
You say the blacks that pray to God
To reincarnate as Arian white
Will be born as albinos’

You are wrong, very wrong
Things do not work that way
Where we are born and how
A mystery you’ll never know

I cover my head from burning sun
This makes you think I am inferior
I stay in front of the class
In order to see the board clearly


slender runs the course
the valley of sun like fingers
on velveteen breeze
raise from the stoney
ground your fertile strive
and let your sighs
tremble with the gusts
that linger and race
glitter on the glacial
oh verdant spirit
let the quiet solemnity
in this glade be your
midnight prayer
like frost upon the
rocky ayre

AS AUTUMN FADES (splash pool workshop)

It won't be long now I see
'fore the calendar catches up with me
and we will both be in late fall
close to hearing winter's call
and reaching final destiny

When the autumn's come and gone
and I see winter's first chill dawn
shall I face the last season with fear
knowing the final cold is near?
I guess that I'll just carry on


Reclining over the chandelier,
He sold his innocence for a glass of wine.
His pendent kept her heart to his,
And clasped it forever like a gold casket.

A little lie can hurt a bit;
He buried her in a diamond box,
And took it out with him to sea
On the first day that he was born.

He smelled of sludge and scented roses,
Dined of fish and crustaceans,
But when he'd wished himself to die,
He'd set his eyes upon a star


In clay from ancient times,
our tread has deepened, faded,
graded its declines, those patterns of our gait
translate the size and height, our stance.

We rise to walk upright,
seize weapons of the hand and mind,
our troubles multiply,
our brains try hard to understand.

Have we, do we e'er progress?
We think it so; we know;
and still we make the same mistakes
that man made eons ago.

Systematic Crashes...

I don't know why it happens
there is no warning, reason, rhyme
but crashes are drawn to me
they happen all the time

There should be some alarm
"This system's going to fail"
I could prevent a nervous break-down
and another computer-sale


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