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Editing - rough draft

( First attempt at trochee ) - Bottom line work shop

Frightened mice sit waiting. Dogs sit skulking.
River fish swim, knowing tigers eat flesh.
Leopards keep on running, feeling horny.
Wild horses gallop, splashing water.

Fright..end / mice sit / / Dogs sit / / fish swim / / tig..ers / eat flesh.
Leo..pards / keep on / / / horn..y
wil..d / / gal..lop / /

Second Attempt


Writer's Block 'with audio'

Searching for understanding
Mind's eye loses focus
Clear picture once beheld
Poetic thoughts burned out

Words of choice once freer
Oppressed by life daily stresses
Memories etched on lone hearts
Blank pages bear no poetry

don't bother me

Don't bother me

In rainy forest
you'll find me breathing
around me are distances
between trees then
we are going to meet
nearby the abandoned lake
and you won't speak.

Then I'm gonna be turning silence
into glittering crystals
while the sea tells me
that birds always come back
from south.

''There's no silence
it's louder than anything
and almost everyone
has collapsed in it.'', he answers.


You ripped the words,
Inchoate and ill-formed -
right out of my mouth.
The gavel of dominance
hammering home
with no room for doubt.

You twisted my limp, impervious
arm, with your
"this is how we do it",
Insidious charm.
Leaving me doubting
Your supposed caring,
Would do me no harm.

The Pit

At the bottom of the pit
there burns no fire, only cold.

And there is silence,
deep, deep silence
filled with vile imaginings.

At the bottom of the pit
there is no turn of night to day.
There is no sun, there is no moon
and all the stars have gone astray.

In the deep, foreboding pit
there lies a silent infant girl;
beside her stands her innocence -
an unlit candle in the gloom
of the bottom of that pit
where nothing else may bare to live.

Autumn is full of fruit and bright sunlight.
It brings tasty morsels ready to eat.
The beasts of earth banquet before winter
gorging, in haste, until feeling replete.

Au..tumn / is full / of fruit / and bright / sun light
it brings / ta..sty / mor..sels / rea..dy / to eat.
The beasts / of earth / ban..quet / be..fore / win..ter
gor..ging / in haste / un..til / fee..ling / re..plete.

Third attempt - iambic


Final Thought

Final Thought

They don’t cry in their sleep,
no not a peep anymore, the
nappies will be dry, very dry
that’s for sure. The toys lie
silent, action man never acted
he was afraid. What flower do
we place at that place, how will
it feel for a fool full of grace?

And I heard this Jesus guy was
meant to love the little child,
could that murdering drawn out
sermon have been more wild.

Final thought,
did those children have a final thought.
Perhaps…… Mummy?

The Drags (with better spoken word link)


D’you remember?
d’you remember the drags?
It was great
d’you remember E.J. Potter?
The Michigan Madman that bike oh man that bike
you think yours is big ha!
That bike, that bike had a 312 cubic inch
fuel injected v8 corvette donk ha!
When that mother did the quarter
oh man did he do the quarter mile!
That wheel never stopped spinning,
man they had to hold up the races for ten minutes
for the fuckin smoke to clear,

t e m p o r a l

slushy sway
the meds
distilling rampart
and nocturnal

cotton batten
to run through
the barrel
on a string

the oil of
the shiny
cartridge of ideals

the weight and wear
and comfort
of it on my hip

from all the
places where
i owned up to
the tables and took
a risk

found love in rooms
for a price

and tasted the dirt
and flesh of weather
when safety and
shelter were
forgone to be
in the adventure

Let Me Be

Let me sing a song of love
and of the things that bring me joy.
Let me sing of heroes slain,
of noble men and grand ideals.

Let me sing a song of woe
to raise up torrents
stir the winds
and cause the storms to cry.

Let me sing a song of life
and of creation,
let us dance with words and wind
and let us sing, o let us sing!

Let me pipe a melody
that reeks
with sweet romantic glee,
let me pipe and let the birds
be put to shame
and learn from me.


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