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Editing - polished draft


I cannot believe
I knew you beyond your name.
A knowledge so intense,
it denied clarity or shame

and yet, there you are now so intimately known,
yet so visibly estranged
Cold, distant, remotely deranged
or is it just me -
alienated, disaffirmed and discarded
by this change

Now it befalls me to realise -
all that I thought I knew was nothing,
compared to what was held from view.
You chose her
and what remains of this Love
I have to eschew...

BB 9 December '10



I choose
My rules
Not yours
Your lost ship of fools

I lead
You follow
You're lost
A bitter pill to swallow

A square peg never fits in a round hole
Those pegs are free from any control

I'm an individual
Full of individualism
Not a part of the Big Brother system

I'm an individual
Full of individualism
Following the path of Satanism

I decide
My path
Not yours
Enjoy the bloodbath

Writers' Needs

a writer must carve
huge chunks out of time
for himself

a writer must have
the ability to hold onto
an image ...long

also, patience, intelligence
some knowlege
and a starting bit of inspiration

these things,along with
a comfortable place for his chair,
some paper, pens,
and, preferably, a full bottle
of (state your preference),
are the basic necessities

but mostly,
a writer must have
a high tolerance
for lonliness

Beneath the Surface (Mom)

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You ignored underneath

my pleas of “take me with you,

don’t leave me here alone”

terrorized, I tried to live through.


Communicate This...

Sparks that struggled before burning bright
Particles streaming from blackened holes
Just faint specks of speeding light
Prickles of waking from numbed souls

Solar flares, big, bright and bold
Frozen truths brought to vision
Asteroids lonely, dark and cold
Great ideas, and the odd collision

Elliptical orbits, light years long
Gravity, pulsars and cosmic rays
Blazing comets, come and gone
Super novas, brighter than days

Reflections II...

I see the light
Do you now?
Yes, I really do

I quake in fright...
You have a fearless brow
No one would think that's you

I see my faults too clearly
Blind men shuffle slowly
I've run away from pain

You've paid a price most dearly
I am the lowest of the lowly
You had nothing you could gain

Pictures don't do justice to my blackened soul
You look just fine to me
Peer deeper, deeper yet



I came to make my peace
And set foot upon his sands
Under the banner of trust
He deceived with blood on his hands

I came to give him a chance
And knocked upon his gate
The alliance was short lived
His arrogance was his final mistake

Discriminate, eliminate, annihilate
Intimidate, exterminate, eradicate

Intimidate, exterminate, eradicate
Discriminate, eliminate, annihilate

Astral Eyes

I can be calm with you
feel the settling
of crashing emotions,
my internal tempest.

I wear your affection
draped like a favorite quilt,
quietly my heart sings
with the clear, amiable
tenor of your voice.

I am mesmerized by your
astral eyes,
cinnamon sugar stars
trimmed by velvet brown skies.

In your tender embrace
my breath is relinquished,
ceasing time
I lose my place.

I am intensly aware
of only your presence
soothing my impoverished soul.


Tortured by Love

Fresh crimson runs down my chest.
Lacerations you made
using my own words
turning them towards me,
using them like weapons
sharp as serrated steel.

I can find no way to recover,
you keep slicing into me
over and over again
inverting my emotions,
assigning me
as my own worst enemy.


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