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Editing - polished draft

I just received a most upsetting epistle from my poor old Uncle Albert
sent from his twilight care home
and I noticed the envelope was slightly odorous
which reminded me of his double-ended incontinence
I often get letters from him but this last one
really upset me a little bit so please
don't read any further if you are queasy and liable to boking.

Quiet Survival... [East Main St story]

The long walk to the park
On a hot summer day
The wading pool and fountain
Gurgling, splashing loudly

Grape Kool-Aid with melting ice cubes
Peanut butter sandwiches
My sisters and I playing tag
Tumbling rough

Mom looking like she needs the rest
Under the big tree
In the shade

I know now, what she was thinking
He would be paycheck drunk
Late tonight, no supper
Sleeping it off tomorrow

There's Many A Cliché Between Cup 'n' Lip

My mind boggled as I listened incredulously
to the silvery words pouring effortlessly
and copiously from your silken tongue.
Oh no, oh woe is me, were you really,
after all my constant and unending efforts
trying to bring the curtain down once and for all
on our love, the love of my life?


<p>you hear my laughs you hear my cries, you see me run you see me hide. When will you ever decide when to open your eyes?, how long will it take to bury these lies. The ones that made me feel alright, the ones you didn't lock away, the ones you promised not to say. When will i get my summer when will i get my say?, wheres my light wheres my day. You see me run you hear me cry why didn't you help why didn't you try?.</p>



Distance makes the heart grow fonder,
But don't allow your memories to haze
and have you painting a pretty portrait of minds wonder
Leaving you trapped in a maze.

Allow your heart to heal,
allow your mind some peace after this ordeal.

You’ve come so far from who you once had become,
don’t let your mind slip and come undone

Stone Cold...

She's stone cold and frozen hard
No warmth to her at all
He's lost her attention, he's failed
He is standing in the hall

He is amazed and bewildered
He cannot comprehend
How suddenly things have changed
How quickly it's come to an end

Funny how it happens, isn't it?
He's lost his position in line
Stutter just once, it's over
And you'll be left behind

A Monkey's Sad Lot

Little Henry the monkey sat in his sterile cage
Trembling in confused but furry trepidation
Of what horrors the sunless day would bring
What further cruel pain and suffering.

How he longed with poignant thoughts
For the lost days of distant enchanting youth,
Futile recollections of the steamy jungle
And his hairy siblings playing still carefree.


In this dream you are
The bones of your father.
And with your lunacies
As infinite as
Your ecstasies
You pity yourself
With great contempt...


I am messenger,
I am conveyer of words,
And through my pen;
Delivering thoughts.
Of pasts,
Of mistakes made unwise,
Of hopes,
Of dreams;
and risky schemes.
I am messenger of writing pages long,
And that message gets told in many ways strong,
And at the end of the day
All I ask reader of mine,
That I have told the story accurately well.
So you see,
I am messenger,
I am conveyer of words,
And it is through my pen,
That I fulfill dreams.


The sun, a blazing circle of celestial fire
Hangs low upon the horizon,
Its fiery glory reflecting orangely
On the wind-whipped, blue-green sea.

The late afternoon sees my love and I,
Arms and legs entwined, bollock naked on the beach,
Rapt in appreciation of that blest moment
When sun and sea join in mystic communion.

And yet, all is not golden:
When one mentions the word "legs"
Once is certainly grammatically correct, yet
One does not convey the true situation to the reader.


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