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Editing - draft


She was fading with time,
blending without shine,
wardrobe worn to a pale red,
as rust was being fed,
her owner called her "Bess",
as she had served her purpose,
clearing trees and pulling stumps,
plowing fields and filling bumps,
forty years she worked these fields,
the cause of good yields,
and now her time had come,
no more parts, she could hardly run,
she could cough, spurt and fart,
she just didn't have the heart,
so as the year began to fade,
she blended into fall, away.

The Drivethru

I pulled up to the order box,
I ordered a whopper of world peace,
a side of love,
and a drink of compassion,
with lots of ketchup.
After I drove home
I found
they forgot the ketchup.

Dear Cell Phone (March Contest)

You’re six gigabytes worth of pain
Everytime I turn you on
I’m watching a video when you shut off
You’re driving me insane!

I bought you a new battery
And then cleaned up your screen
So what is the problem here
Why are you so mean?

You twitch from drops of liquid
Pop open all your apps
I can’t even hear my ringtone
You act just like a kid!

Hours, Days, Weeks, Months
Our communication’s ghost
I can deal with you no longer
This relationship is toast.

Just a Day

Under a tree on a hill,
daylight silhouette,
a leaf fell blood orange death,
fell back and forth,
the tree exhaled winters breath.

I went to church with a bottle,
to meet withe the twelve apostles,
for atonement of tomorrow's plot,
for who I was,
and for who I was not.

I went to a movie,
my date was my dog,
our tickets were a gift,
in a black envelope,
a big fat spliff.

The Process of Mourning

You grieve
Like soft whispers,
Trying to yell

Be heard
From far ears
Of loved ones

Each word
Dark, frigid,
Lonely and, still.

My groan on Phone's

I was just in the toilet checking my Poo
As at my age this is what you should do
Damn phone fell down the loo.

Wrapped it in rice that was very nice
Until the whole lot went into the oven
The Mrs thought I was helping make a pudding

Phone you were supposed to be smart
Trouble and strife thought it was nice
That I started to make a pudding with rice.

Today I took it to have a new glass put in,
I should have put the damn thing in the bin,
Seventy pounds it cost me this afternoon.

Don't mind me

This mind petrifies and engages me
Thoughts of what was and what could be
Sharp days with clarity my friend
Bad days that feel like they’ll never end

Everybody sees a different mask

Can this lucidity stay a bit longer?
It’s holding my heart up
And leaves good thoughts to ponder
Simplicity let’s me know it’s okay to be lead off track
It guides me back to the moment that I should be living in
And holds my hand while I jump right in
Go ahead, say what you need to say, it doesn’t matter what they think anyways

A Beach Party (Digit in USA)

Having a link beyond others graves
Digit temporary curtailed his killing ways
It would be easy to carry on later you know
an appointment with like friends just to show

A beach party he had for them to attend
From Washington he flew in great haste
Canoe Island lodge seemed to be the place
In the middle of the moons last phase.
Just enough light for them to graze.

Say What?... [March Contest Ode To The Cellphone]

As I touch the keys
let my thoughts come loose
Pictures come and go
using more damned juice

The linking that I share
with the world at large
To my credit, I must use
a phone to make a charge

Killer phones, they are
They’re holding me for ransom
They’re so sleek and fast
some are really handsome

Anticipate my needs
just scan my words before
Put their own words in
Don’t need to say it anymore

Our Cells of Blue - March April Contest 2018

I press a finger against my glass
and you press one up against yours
My cell won't let me out of class
to greet you at my one front door.

Binary and bots, you see,
tend us both so carefully.
Confined under the same wide sky,
never seeing with our eyes.

I dream of fires beside the beach
your eyes, your soul, your gilded speech
But glass and prints of hand remain
All my dreams are in a frame.


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