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Editing - draft

Of You, I Feel the Warm.

You returned most unwittingly
baring your soul and your arm,
while I saw clouds, you tried on shrouds
never meaning any harm;

I think of you, I feel the warm;

I think of you and feel the warm.


Ships always pass, but the neglected mass
never knows to question, "why?"

I really wish I knew, what am I to do?
When together if we could fly;
we'd touch the ceiling of the sky!



Inquiry by RW

I cleanly left the rectory.
I pray for souls which burn at me.
I flagellate till flesh turns free.
Dichotomy. Dichotomy.

This angel takes which road for now?
Unsure at which his knees should bow
A servent, supplicant or cow
God show him how, God show him how

A burning fills his abdomen
inside a hunger deep within
a boy pledged past to be nomen
a roaring djinn, a roaring djinn


Over my face, my hat hung low
to hide the side a few would know
drinkin' in uncandle lit space
my hat hung low over my face
justice was lost and justice done
I owned a pound and lost a ton
no outlaw saw the lawman's cost
justice done and justice lost
a woman's love, the trump card held
of twenty men, eighteen were felled
I stood wounded as did Jack Cove
the trump card held, a woman's love
through gunsmoke and blood, my eyes saw


O Beautiful Earth, very good morning to you
This is my first song on you

This is how I sing this song
And this is the place where I belong

I love this place, suitable to play
Which has an endless bay

You cover this, with a blanket
Where I can junket with joy

I grew wild without any source
But you nourished me with all your resources

Buds turn to green leaves in spring
And the twittering birds sing

This shows the dawn of an era
And it is also the beginning of a new year

Neverwas and Nevermore

Neverwas and nevermore
two places I have been,
the former taught me how to dream
where I'lll never go again.

Journey begins at twilight
through a time tunnel, secure
be careful, avoid the shadows
they cause aches one can't endure.

Neverwas and nevermore
two places I have been,
the latter highlights memories
I make with all my friends.

Out of time's windy tunnel
you'll spy a meadowy-like haze,
that separates the field of dreams
from the light and shadow maze.

Awake to Reality

Me: reality junkie;
Hollywood: sells lies;
Water in my eyes:
'Cause it smells so funky.

Power off - TV dies;
A breath of fresh air, a few deep sighs;
Shoulders relaxed, check out your back - no more monkey.

Never Sure

Still …I am not sure
If I like to be mature.

I am not sure I’ve stopped loving to play
with teddy bears, dolls and the clay.

I still like to drink NIDO- needed for growing
and wear those lovely laced white stockings.

I can’t quit thinking I still need my mom’s love
though I've become a proud mom- myself.

And what should I do with my girlish dream?
That daily flow like pure wild stream?

About a courageous knight on a white horse,
that would once come to propose .

Call It What You Will (Page 2)

old monk
spouts ancient wisdom
a burst of laughter


sunny afternoons
tall and thin
lovely shadow


falling to pieces
stone to gravel
pet rock bites the dust


dandelion puffs
gracefully riding the wind
knowing not of weeds


august moon sparkles
sleepy mind in half-dream
butterflies sip tea


snowflakes in sunshine
swift comes the end
the shape of water


The Last Communique Of The Ultra-Apathetic Party

the world is in chaos

tribal wars
civil wars

these lines could have been written
on any day since man invented writing

a played out aspect
of the human condition
touching most lives
lighter than a free falling feather

any wonder so many tune out

you may call this denial
but, no, we are not denying
just ignoring
(now don't go on blathering about the connection
between ignor and ignorance,
or we'll never get out of here!)

Prodigal Past

looking backward
from a comfortable perch
my life wobbled wildly
on a self centered search

with dumpling brain
and mouth to match
I clumsied my way
on stumbumbling ass

brayed poly-syllabically
at steady bread folk
slobbered venemous opinions
at the tethered and yoked

now finally at rest
I mumble thanks to all
the stout level headed
who buffered my fall

these pillers of stability
salts of the earth
now keep me anchored
to a rock


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