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it is morning again
Time is awake
and so am I.
It's dark. There is no sun.
the war has begun

I stumble like a broken puppet
to breakfast only steps away
hoping to make it before lunch
one day

the meds wait on a kikchen shelf
weapons not of choice.
and I suspect some treachery:
they're beating the living shit out of me

I hit every wall
trip over every wire
and aspire to keep my face
from the floor.
my pace is slow and heavy
my bladder quick.

If I fall
never cry help
I get up myself
the enemy will think me weak
and sneak in for the kill

I’ve lost too many battles lately
I am losing the war
a progressive inevitability has progressed
to the next to last degree…
I will have to surrender eventually.
I'd rather be somewhere else

when they lay me out for the seeing
I will be naked as a blue jay
all will gasp their incredulity
and some will even say:
What a waste.
but I'll be somewhere else

Editing stage: 


This is a poignant poem well written, with just a hint of humour. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Humor can be the greatest cure--along with a bottle of Chianti :)

Thanks , my friend,


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