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you said you were coming back
after the day of odds at the track
and the slate green dodge

every time I hear the weather girl
when she says
"there's a promise of rain"

seventy per cent

a nice even count
I think about you

they say even a dog has its day
with this humidty it may rain cats

thirty per cent says it might not
might not rain
might just be a promiz

Editing stage: 


Please tell me where my typos are I did poorly in math Numbers are a blur in my head
its like a mental blind spot and spelling I didnt do too well in either I do indeed not bother
with correcting any of my works I hate finishing my poems its not like my artwork sometimes
it amazes me that I can write poetry at all but I do enjoy roughing in the works
I think if I finish my works then Im committed as a poet and sometimes I just want to keep
it that I am trying to be a poet rather then learn metering and all that I dont have a clue really
at the technical aspects of it All I have is this strong desire to write in the feeling of what I
read and have read and a lot of that at the time did not have punctuation and I really liked that
although I feel badly for not putting it in as I know its difficult to read Thank you Xena for
commenting and taking time to see corrections needed!

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