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this emotion
races its run
like dull blades
pulling on the soul
I can see the flames
of our hot ghosts
even the mirrors
are cracking

and the maze is
growing deeper
and the water
is filling up the
glittering like
stars when it
catchs light

Ill be swallowed up
soon by these
inextorable depths

and I welcome it

Editing stage: 


I did go swimming this year
I dont burn candles though I love
their light nor incence
I do like campfires but always
have water nearby

despair I love your view on this
poem Yes despair what a powerful
emotion like Fire and Water
and yes one is balanced by the other

I fear water but when Im brave I do go
swimming and love that bouyant feeling
when I dive down with eyes open to
see the blurry bottom

amazing life is
like poets
and like poetry

thank you

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