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churlish alms
pressed in sandwich kits
tucked away in tin lined
for rainy day recalls
winterstorm days
howling ghosts
against the morning

the latch flip
like a snap

span time snap
and reread
like shopping lists
of feelings

Editing stage: 


grew up with hunting pariphanelia
shoulder bags from world war two
all our neighbours volunteered
my fathers back issues kept him
out (but not forty years on the railroad
of good service) tins and ammo
boxes for tool kits Service jackets
from Nam and American issue
a canteen from world war two
that I used when I worked the block
gangs mortar and scaffolding

tactile is everything even now I live
in my room in the dark the television
tuned to the blank classical
the window open awake at most
bumps and writing like feild notes
flowing from the impact of that moment
be it now or from long long ago

thank you Lonnie

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