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start at the barren windstroked lust
feel the passion twitching beneath
the ring fingers
the broken glass scar on the right palm
down along the rideway of ribs
the soft dune flats between
rib and hipbone
that rises thrusting and curling
down the length of leg

down to the articulated ankle
and dirt smudged toes
past the sullen metal of
the anklet

Editing stage: 


you just painted a picture
of exquisite desire and sensuality

smoldering lust

oh, to be that ankle...those dirt smudged toes

colour me longing


Pleiades....mmmmm the summer with its hot fleshed uncovering
the glistening gleam of light on waves leaping and damp
hair...we have our wealth of summer and lakes that warm
cloudless heat waves.. I actually went and sunbathed amongst
the undulations and flesh boned humanity
and it was good....

as I'm remaining single in my city for cost effective reasons and sanity
I can enjoy unhindered views and studies
and talk with what my fancy is drawn too and what fancies me

fancy that!!! but how I miss sensuality and touch
but one can dream
and fill dreams with the soft husky voice of a special someone..
very special...

thank you

author comment

a Mans fancie

I misspell and am atrocious for this fancys are rare like comets
Venus the bejewelled beauty A cold winter sky with its flurries
stretching down like shedding velvet I do not have the fortune
of bevies I have the jewel beauties and beautitides that fall
in the table of chance like a sterling pearl bouncing in the
numbers chance is a wonderous chaperone

but there is a precious
wonderful and sublime

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