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uncovered and revealed
the revelation untwined
the false dawning of all
the word submerged

held at the edge
like a frightened wave
like aurora sweeping
I seek you
I see you

in the falling winter rains
in the dark river mane
I hear you whisper my name
where my heart you claimed

desire you said was a cutting flame
where you would remove the chains
where the gate called fame
would remove the opulence of
innocence like a smashed chalice

Comfort you spoke
when the thunder broke
and we awoke
And the moon lay hidden
beneath the seething winds
against the stern and turning

and in the midden
were our books tossed hidden
where rain bled words written
we seeped like blood
staining past
and futures
the tinted mud

you clothed me with glitter
from the crushed glory of
trophy mornings
from the fat of the sun
you said
the most vital of all flavours
and we would stand and savour
the gift of the favour

how we hunted on the shores
of blame taking arrows to our shame
sharpening the game

there were no max aspirations
nor minimum sparing
of the wheel
our achilles heel

Editing stage: 


some say repetition is the fools errand of sacrifice
but suffice to regard how in the honour of honing skills
it becomes the intuitive grace that can make or break
the strength of most brilliance

I have been training my wordwork here and on another
poetry site and taking in the talented ballet of others
whom move swiftly and delicately to least disturb the
grass of rouse a cricket

Thank You

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