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Oceans of Love

Love is a weapon
Plundering borders
Without passport
Destroying your sanity

Love is a fig
An inverted flower
Invaded by the wasp
Smelling the aroma

Love is a verb
A four letter word
When you’re tongue-tied
To riposte

Love is a long bow
And slowly pulling
Flying the distance
Thinking in centuries

Love is a storm
Coming like a hurricane
Counter clockwise
Spiralling into one

Love is a phoenix
As Rumi says
That no birdcage
Can incarcerate

Love is a black hole
Swallows hatred
Spits out beauty
Forming the Milky Way

Love is a big heart
You can hear a whale
Pounding four miles away
Lover, I am coming

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Oceans of Love" employs a range of metaphors to describe the concept of love, which is an effective technique in engaging the reader's imagination. Each stanza introduces a new metaphor, which keeps the poem dynamic and interesting.

However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent rhythm and meter. The line lengths and syllable counts vary greatly, which can disrupt the flow of the poem. For example, the third stanza has a noticeably different rhythm than the others due to its shorter lines.

Moreover, the poem could be more cohesive if the metaphors were more closely related or built upon each other. As it stands, the metaphors seem somewhat disjointed, jumping from one concept to another without a clear connection.

The use of specific cultural and scientific references, such as Rumi and black holes, adds depth to the poem, but these references might be lost on readers who are not familiar with them. It might be helpful to provide some context or explanation for these references, or to choose references that are more universally understood.

Lastly, the poem could benefit from a more clear and powerful conclusion. The final stanza introduces a new metaphor of a whale, but it does not seem to tie together or summarize the ideas presented in the previous stanzas. A more impactful ending could leave a lasting impression on the reader.

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