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Inside a Poem

I wrote a poem
about love,
or actually,
the absence of love.

It was dark and cold
and violated my page
without feeling or description -
just black on white,
sad letters, empty words.

I purged it,
started over,
and wrote this for you,
My Dear Reader.

May you look
into someone's eyes
and know love.

May that part of you
that once felt joy
remember and keep faith.

May you believe.


Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


For me, a small respite from reality is nurturing poetry.
Thank you, wonderful Teddy!

author comment

I have never written a dull, cold love letter--ask my wife, and I bet--neither have you, to the right person, that is. At any rate, yours is a unique poem; though you being such a warm person, I might challenge the truth of you statement. Okay, prove me wrong. LOL. Van (Jerry)

Although I can understand how this may be interpreted in a romantic context, it actually is a sincere hope that whomever reads the poem has, and believes in, love - mankind's greatest need. These days, I am taking in and sending out every drop possible.
Thank you, Jerry!

BTW: Having read many of your sonnets, I will agree that you could never write a dull, cold love letter! :)

author comment

You've evoked some great intemite feelings with simple few words. A great start. May I play a bit with the seciond part? Not that I don't yours. It's perfect as is dear and I really enjoy it.

I wrote a poem
about love,
or actually,
the absence of love.

It was dark and cold
and violated my page
without feeling or description -
just black on white,
sad letters, empty words.

I purged it,
[as your image visited me,]
started over,
[my words started to dance,]

Thank you dear for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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So wonderful to see you! I am intrigued with your beautiful suggestions, but a bit confused with what to keep and what to change. I always appreciate your wisdom and insight.
Thank you!

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