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Lord Barham


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Recent work

Created Updated Type Title
10 Jun 2024 10 Jun 2024 poem My First Internet Experiments
27 Aug 2022 27 Aug 2022 poem Life Acrostic Sonnet Series
28 Jul 2022 28 Jul 2022 poem Mountain Climbing In Switzerland
24 Jul 2022 24 Jul 2022 poem This Probably Won't Get Me The Book, But ...
20 Jul 2022 20 Jul 2022 poem Fallen Angels
20 Jul 2022 20 Jul 2022 poem Fallen Angels
9 Jul 2022 9 Jul 2022 Blog entry Shaun
4 Jul 2022 4 Jul 2022 poem First Poem Of The Year/Snowfall In Vancouver
29 Jun 2022 29 Jun 2022 poem Back & Forth – Second Look
26 Jun 2022 26 Jun 2022 poem Back & Forth
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