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September 2024 Contest Winners!

September 2024 Contest Winners


Congratulations to all our contest winners


The Winner of the What is Life? Is Alex Tanner


Life Is What You Are


There's a time to go back to live life again,
Let the boy who was fearless be reborn just the same;
Command the old man who grumbles and moans
Of the aches and the pains that torment his old bones.

Ride his bike one more time, no brakes, hands free,
Skate winter's froze pond where he knows not to be,
Go down to the river for frogs, newts, dragonfly,
Climb gnarled oaks so tall they caress azure sky.

Boot footballs, play rugby in fields full of mud.
Wash knees in ice water to clean off the blood
From kicks and from falls but never no pain
Just laughter as into the fray once again.

No laptops, no mobiles perhaps no tv,
But they were not wanted this boy he was free.
Free from an age of want yet to come
To go where he pleases till hungry then home.

From dawn until dusk he was out all around,
With his numerous pals no trouble was found,
Nor was it sought, just laughter and fun
Or maybe some girls as adolescence begun.

The old man sits straight and a smile lights his face
He'll do what he can and if he seems a disgrace?
A silly old sod who ought to know better,
By God! life's for living, he'll show he's no quitter.


The winner of the 09/24 The Bully is Tawny023


Encroach and Invade


Mold is an inconspicuous bully
Decomposes reds, yellows, oranges
Blues, and even lime greens
Does not matter its outer shape
Covets the wetness deep inside
Feeds and declares dominance
Nest and festers, spreads
Like vermin and vectors
Permeates and inhibits
Its host hold on to structure
While degrading its bonds
In order to have its way with
Just about any old living thing
A temperamental nuisance
But it’s grotesque mold juice
caught the eye of Dr. Fleming
Its usefulness is no other
Than the holy grail
called Penicillin
Which fights viruses that would
Otherwise make human’s
procreation unviable and
Their deaths excruciating


The winner of the 09/24 Bon Fire is RoseBlack


Bon Fire


Moon high; middle of the night.
Drums thumping; bumping in hypnotic flight.
Cloaked hoods fall to the ground,
scattered chants mix with the eerie sound.

Candle wax burns at the fingertips;
Hecate's breath embraces swaying hips.
Shadows dance amongst the flames,
linking spirits to our world without shame.

'Tis our season, witches take hold,
The magic runs hot and bold.
Our veil is thinning, hear the roar of the thunder,
when the living and the dead are no longer asunder.


The winner of the 09/24 Under the boardwalk is  Lavender


Along The Windy Shore


I remember you
and your lit-up smile
under the salty boardwalk.
You were seventeen
with your tousled hair
along the windy shore.

Such a time we had
'neath the summer sun
under the salty boardwalk.
With our hands entwined
we would race the waves
along the windy shore.

We never made promises
we couldn't keep.
No promises were broken.

So in the silver moonlight
there on the beach,
few words were ever spoken.

I remember soon
summer days grew short
under the salty boardwalk.
I was seventeen
when we said goodbye
along the windy shore.

Do you remember me
with my deep brown eyes
under the salty boardwalk?
Part of me remains
racing with the waves
along the windy shore.

I'm there along the shore.


The Winner of the 09/24 Homecoming is Tawny023


Did you know?


Golden Shovel after Victoria Chang’s, ‘Homecoming”

Pieces of us still exist from as far back
As diapers and Similac, even before bedtime stories.
Our DNA hangs around in their
Bloodstream like butterfly wings,
As if the contractions remember
Something of us swimming in nothing,
But a secret tunnel and we were and are
Umbilical cord joined until cut, but the bond is never
Broken— our Mother’s DNA still holds our knowledge







Neopoet Weekly 09/22/24 to 09/28/24 Winner!

   This Week’s winner is Jokerface82




Her salted bludgeoning maw
swallowed vessels and galleys
with its green saline gullet of
barnacles, and a throat full of oily
spots of acne sticky limpets

Treasures guarded by a circle
of sharks in an ocean restaurant
pinching crabs,
and swaying seaweed keeping naval

A wave of wrathfulness, tossing
clubbing, floating ships, drowning
them into the abyss.
stripping seamen Into
skeletons with silent screams.

Supported by a howling killer
of a storm . Ripping, blowing holes
into arthritis wooden decks into oblivion
into the coldest dark depths.



                                                                     To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

Nepoet Weekly 09/15/24 to 09/21/24 Winner!

                                                                                      This Week’s winner is Jokerface82


Grandiose Majestic Mountain

There stood a majestic
Craggy face with razor blade
Edges of a monstrous
time honoured mountain

Turning its rocky nose up
at anything below him, robust
Jagged and risky, high stabbing
armour with White shark tip
Cut throated fins.

Bald rugged with a silent manner
cold stone as white as marshmallow
steep and strong, bold and old
broad frosted shoulders

With powdered freckles and a storm grey
complexion it wore a white necklace
and a frosted crown, made
by heaven.


                                              To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest Winner!


The Winner of the Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest is  scribbler





Mid October a cool day
with a northern cooling breeze.
All hints of summer gone away.
The few green leaves are just a tease.

Tomorrow will bring the first frost
so this day finds me 'neath the trees
absorbing warmth before its lost
and limbering up titanium knees.

For I'm not what I once was.
Time has seen that I am not,
So I sit on a stump to take a pause
and breathe autumn's scent which I'd forgot.

Then turn my face up to the sky
as cool front winds begin to blow.
I watch the clouds as they race by.
They leave like friends I used to know.

My eyes water from sun's glare
so I drop my head down to my chest
letting my chin settle there
while I count the ways that I am blessed.

I'm blessed with our cabin in the trees
I'm blessed with seeing one more fall.
I'm blessed with grandchildren to tease.
I'm blessed with being here at all.

I watch a squirrel climb to its nest
for now the sun is getting low
so ere' it reaches ridge's crest
I arise then turn and go.


                         To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I heard the sky whispering, it used the trees, their tips,
blown by breezes softly, only I could hear, so near,
the dawn was coming soon, to walk the heavens into day,
on tip toe calmly, the air was waiting quiet, expectant,
like the still of those at prayer in a great cathedral of the blue.


Look out upon the rugged lands
the depths of which I used to stroll
among the ancient hardwood stands
before the passing years took toll

These lands which people seldom shade
where deer and bear still roam their trails
beyond the sight of open glade
where a lone hawk or eagle sails

Now days I dare just walk their edge
and try to peer within their heart
from atop some bluff or stony ledge
the borders where wild places start


glitter in the glass
shine like tiger in its grass

you were mirage glare
a song I had lost

Sit with me

I sit here on emerald banks seam
Watching the dreams of life’s stream
It passes before my eyes to eternity
There the words of Muses fraternity

Would I write all those things seen?
Who could understand the dreams?
That drifts on by touching my thread
A giant weave of the water instead

Come sit with me, hold my mind
Let reality and sadness drag behind
Crafts of rainbows blessed with flowers
Floating by, reaching out for golden hours

Sunday Morning

Daffodils bursting butter yellow
From a warming poltice
Of last years leaves

A cross cut lawn
In ancient tartan
Kelley and lincoln green

A sunburst
Igniting the split rail fence

A lady rain mists
A gossamer veil

My spade rests
Against the dormant locust


I could not fit
inside the mould

so I fell down

only the blind could see me
only the deaf could hear me
the mute were happy to say my name

It mattered aught to them

my round was square
my front was back
my right was left
my quiet was loud
my up was down
my insides were out

we all coloured outside the lines

the magician

the magician
inticing those who dare
enter the tent
enter the life
being everyone and anyone all at once
acquiring attention, a manipulation
graciously given
in hopes of entertainment, some fulfillment
it’s an illusion
smoke and mirrors
fake things appearing real
the lies and tricks are self comforting
the horrors here are real
unrelenting nightmares
the frightened patrons hide their eyes
many run from the horror truth

jussa a moment pleeze!

jussa a moment pleeze!

moment and time
are the same things..
what you want to say
as Shakespeare did,
time and tide wait for no man...

everything in life is opportunity,
if a gal swipes her lips
she wants a kiss,
which if not taken you miss..?

if she wants you to say
I love you
and you don't hear
it’s up to you,
you lost her my dear...


Bright, bright the day,
it isn't may,
no heavy cloud,
no wind,
no sudden sight of gusts
that yesterday 
asked leaves up to dance;
wind still,
it silently came in at dawn, 
in pale attire,
and filled the scene with melancholy light,
with here and there a splash of brightened woods, 
as sunlight permeated through the view,
that well known smooth horizon, 
across the window's wide,
that reached into the mind,
as peace perceived and satisfied. 


insists on
these two things:

your tongue taming
the yellow.

I forget
the other is.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.