Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.




What is poetry
but effulgence of emotion
from deep core of one's heart

Yes it is empathy
Sugar coated with sympathy
that makes poets expose
their inner sensibility
end up either by being kicked
upwards or stamped
by the foot of some one
who thinks all poets one owns

Can You Feel For Me?

Can you feel for me? It was my daughter and her child
Torn away from my heart by a man whose passions went wild.
Does he care that I will never see them anymore?
He just ignored their cries when they hit the floor.
You can not imagine the painful thoughts that leaped through my mind
When I realized that bloodstained kin was all I would find.
How could someone so very unstable
Have once been a soul seated at G-d's table?
G-d, one thing I must ask:
Please punish the evildoer and take him to task.

May Contest

Thanks to all who have already entered. The time for entry is growing short so if you are thinking of entering please do so soon and don't forget to put (May Contest) next to title...........stan


I saw the original Sydney production in 1970. First ever full nudity on an Australian stage. This 12 y/o was not so much impressed by the nudity as the lines-
Claude (holding up a poster of David Bowie)- Wow, I'm not a homosexual or anything but I'd love to sleep with that guy!

She asks me why, I'm just a hairy guy
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know
It's not for lack of bread, like the grateful Dead, darlin'


I would like to apologies to you all for my lack of comments and contact, I have been busy due to a loss in our family. ( One of my elder sister's died ) We are just about getting back on our feet again, and I hope to catch up with you all soon. Regards Roscoe...

hold on mom I'm coming..(In waiting Q....)

My mom passed away early

Beautiful mom yours

I once composed
If you have some time
over a week end
do smile
my mom also will love you

She may not be able to give you a ring
she has no Internet connection now
where ever she may be
but daily she sends a dozen kisses for me
through the winds
I fly back kisses daily
the clouds carry them slowly
but deliberately

Upcoming Imagery Workshop

It is my intention that the upcoming imagery workshop be heavily participant driven. But even so since I'll be steering the direction in which the shop will go I need feedback now on what ya'll would like to see covered. I'm no expert at imagery but I do use it a bit in my scribbles so : Do you want things like direct imagery covered? Or implied imagery? Or the proper amount of imagery? You get my drift so let me know here so I can get a syllabus together which will address ha'll's desires (IMAGERY desires lol)......stan

in eskers footsteps ....wait for a while

If I ever claim
that I understand
half of what Esker, Sir
you compose
then to the garbage bin of time
on its way to Mars
they will me quickly dispose

Possible Future Workshop

Would anybody be interested in an imagery workshop in a month or so?

May contest SNAFU

Sorry folks. I accidentally posted the deadline for contest entries to be end of June. When I went back to fix it and change the date to end of May something went haywire and the contest was archived and thus listed as complete. This is being worked on even as we speak. In the mean time if you want to post an entry just post on stream and put "May Contest" next to title. Once we get the bug fixed then go back later and hit the contest key..thanks............stan


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