Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


A Working Title

This feeling in my chest
About a woman
I don't know

And yet I really
want to know
this beautiful soul
even more than before

Seeing in her what I want
within my life
filling this nasty void
growing old together

Making and sharing experiences
raising a family
and just generally falling
for each other even more
as our time goes on

Happy birthday Jane!

You've only been a member for a year and a month and already you are a vital part of Neopoet and a friend and a valued poet.

Eeeek! My suspension of disbelief is failing

My suspension of disbelief is failing. It's a fucking nightmare. I see the strings on Superman. Every plot idiocy goes clunk.
Cliched lines torment me. My dreams are re-hashes of old plots.
It's come to this.
I'm going to have to create something. [shudders]

Check out the Forums

They are getting lively, vividly.

Workshops are great for learning and teaching and exploring each other in a mildly structured way.

Forums, jump in boot'n'all. Say what you like, or don't.

Contest Prize

Hi everybody. A bit late to put it in contest announcement so I thought I'd let folks know via blog. The site owners and trustees have decided to award a $25 cash award to each monthly contest winner beginning with the June contest. So sharpen those pencils and get your names in the pot lol............stan

For new members

First, welcome to Neopoet. You have come to , perhaps, the best poetry workshop site there is. Here you don't need to worry about whether what you are told about your poetry is true or just empty platitudes. It will be the truth. You also don't have to worry about any member becoming angry when you say what you really think about their poem. (A cautionary note. Don't attack the poet personally, it's the Poem which matters).

Crossing the Styx

Finally was able to summon the courage to venture forth from my cave and after cunningly evading various devious traps and pitfalls, fighting my way through the savage hordes, crossing monster infested rivers, getting swallowed by a dragon and spewed back forth Jonahish, I glamoured the savage ogre on guard with my magical Immunity Deranger plaque and entered the demonic realm of the Preciousity Obtainers. There, to enhance my eternal wealth, and most likely my damnation, I made off with the two most dangerous and haunted tomes ever produced...

I have posted this piece,which I'm working on - and requires work, I've read it, and recorded it myself here:

I'm sure someone could do it more justice..

It's called:

"The confession of Joseph Barclay".


"Da Rosa, nada digamos agora"

The last century, has come, has gone,
come with me now, I will sing
its song.

May Contest Winner

Please join me in congratulating the winner for the May contest. I'd also like to thank all who entered and express how difficult it was to determine the winner. Way to go Jane! Below is a copy of her excellent poem..........stan

Sonnet to Spring ( May Contest)

The soft gentle warmth of a Spring morning
sees sunshine and sunbeams dapple the trees.
Our season awakes, stretching and yawning,
her fanfare of bird song wafts in the breeze.

May Contest Deadline

Saturday May 27th is last day to enter May's contest...........stan


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