Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


September Contest Winner

First let me thank all entrants. Every poem was of above average quality and this made this contest a tough one to judge. And deciding between the 2 best was Really difficult. Wish there could be 2 winners. But alas there is only one and this month the prize goes to Sewie Smalls for his compact poem "In The Spirit Of Autumn". And this from a poet who lives in a country which I understand has no Autumn. Please join me in congratulating Sewie and leaving comment here on his poem which is copied below :

In the spirit of autumn (September Contest)


This list contains only 94 words yet ..Please see whether your words have been included. All are in ALPHABETIC ORDER.To help me can you include the meaning in simple English..Gratia
You can also contribute more-- many may get deleted.
New Blog has been made as one had to scroll down a lot

ALL real POETS SIGN UP HERE .......please

Searching Poets of Calibre

When I traverse
poetry verse
across the universe
I come across rarely
but poetry like this verse
it's needless to say is
as lovely as mom and mom earth
Lady poet teacher
teach me
judge some of mine
if you could

TIME is a premium we all know
but a blessings coming from you
will glow
as your poetry like the Niagara does flow
Now we all know
lovely natural poet is thee
like me hopefully

September Contest

Well, summer is almost gone and fall is just around the corner. So let's write about the approach of autumn. Check the contest tab for the skimpy rules and have fun. (remember to put (September contest) next to title.............stan


I am pleased to announce the winner of the August contest is Dennis the Menace for his poem "WHAT IF GOD BECAME A WOMAN". Please join me in congratulating him. Here is his poem :

What if, God became a woman - what a difference we would see,
Bet the first thing that she'd tackle is the way that we all pee.
She’ll have seen all the advantages, that’s there when you’re a boy;
How it saves with all that squatting, and at night becomes a toy!

Workshop idea

Would anybody be interested in a short shop where we'd change free verse to western classic and western classic to free verse?

August contest

The deadline for entering August contest is today. If you haven't entered best get moving as it will close at 8:00 this evening...........stan

Simple Survey

What kinds of workshops would ya'll like to see?

August contest reminder

Hi folks. The time to enter August contest is getting short. So if ya got one post it and if you've already posted a contest poem make sure you put (August contest) next to title........stan


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