Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


June contest winner

Please join me in recognizing Mark for winning the June contest. Here is the poem which inspired him and the poem Mark wrote as a result :
When I Am Asked
By: Lisel Mueller

When I am asked
how I began writing poems,
I talk about the indifference of nature.

It was soon after my mother died,
a brilliant June day,
everything blooming.

Meditation on petty power antics

Having received, by now, enough messages to kill a horse, I wanted to just make a public statement here on what goes on/went on/with Jess and the people who message me about him.

Steven" part 6

This is the last of Steven's poetry that I have,
If there is more out there please feel free to send to me for these records.
I hope you all can enjoy someone different and a great poet of Neopoet..
Yours Ian T Howard, Sparrow, Sparrow 42, Ian T, and Yenti..

"S L I P S T R E A M Z"

Submitted by Esker on Mon, 2016-05-09 18:26

Steven" part 5

"t e x t u a l a t i o n z"

Submitted by Esker on Sun, 2015-09-27 05:14

Steven" part 4

I have left each piece as they were posted by Esker (Steven) some of his words were strange but it is a way he looked at things around him ..Yours Ian T

"Knot no one "

Submitted by Esker on Thu, 2015-07-09 06:20

Steven " part 3

Please read carefully and as "Esker" Steven is no longer with us just enjoy the words he left behind, Yours Ian T

"Substanxe "

Submitted by Esker on Sat, 2015-05-16 06:52

Primal Poetic scream!

(or chant or whisper or whimper)

We're up! I have never been so excited about running a workshop as this. I'm hoping to share with you the process that has lead to some of the greatest poetry ever not written. Yes, not written, primal poets were doing this before the written word was invented.

Join us at

General comment

I am not even going to bother checking who gave you negative criticism but 1) supposedly people should not be giving picky bothersome comments around here because above all, the spirit counts so tiny errors really don't matter. 2) again I think we all do get criticized in life and usually that is the problem of the person who does it. We can only try to live an exemplary life, and not let people get us down. (I am not directing these comments at the other person, only making general comments.)

Steven" ( Part 2)


Submitted by Esker on Sun, 2015-04-12 07:06


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