Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


A Matter Of Trust

Hundred years ago society classes were all about caricature. As well as wealth. Say that you have a very long finger nail. That would be a sign that says you are not putting your hands in a stressed out situation. And you can show off how long you have been in that position of comfort

A Matter Of Trust

Hundred years ago society classes were all about caricature. As well as wealth. Say that you have a very long finger nail. That would be a sign that says you are not putting your hands in a stressed out situation. And you can show off how long you have been in that position of comfort

My First Reflection Of Trust

We trust in meager eyes thank God I'm alive
My first reflection of trust;
lay hold of outlaws bathed in perfume kitchen with adapt grease to behold
Promises to the rich matter of the heart;
Loose words that penetrate the soul


Ah! The month of falling leaves has arrived at last!. So let's write about what this month means to you. Check out the parameters under the "contest" tab and get those pens moving......stan

Gandhi's Approach To Writing Outlook

A performance of high stakes. When one enters the political or spiritual realm, an individuals own public words and actions become the terrain in which the creativity unfolds.,

Gandhi may have had brilliant or scatterbrained ideas; but in the end it was his capacity to appear credible to his followers, and to the rest of the world, by virtue of his example of his specific moments, that constituted the central aspects of his approach...,

I'm away from Neopoet

I'm off Neopoet for three months. This is something I volunteered for because I really need it to get my head right, a kind of sabbatical; I haven't had a break, except when the site was down, for 12 years and my work for Neopoet has suffered. I've been talking about this for a while but because I'm so passionate about the place, frankly addicted, I haven't been able to do it, so I asked for help.
So I won't be posting on Facebook either.

Critique Workshop - Proposal

I want to put together a critique workshop with the following parameters:

1) Ten participant limit
2) Two week run
3) Public domain poem
4) Each participant will be required to provide a critique of less than 500 words
5) Each critique will be critiqued
6) No whining

Please let me know if you are interested.

Pro tip, if you are not interested, do not reply. Otherwise, you've violated rule #6.

August contest winner

Please join me in congratulating B9Pat for winning the August contest for her poem "Worthwhile". Her is her winning entry:

Remember me
When you go to bed
With thoughts of me
Running through your head
Think back to the day
When we were wed
So many things left unsaid
While looking back try to smile
Wasn't it all worthwhile
Wasn't it all worthwhile

A Salute To The Late Tammy Faye Bakker

As did the late "Tammy Faye Bakker" did so shall I extend an olive branch blessing to both the gay and bisexual community abroad. Stop the senseless hatred that many have given them. In the bible sin is described as actions in which humans rebel against God. Miss there true purpose for their lives follow the prince of the air more then God cause their deeds were evil. Jesus would never judge anyone just like many Christian church goers do. One needs a heart that is saturated with truth in order to withstand the true test of time.

Lightning & Thunder

We each search for what allows from within,
Base our existence from a door bell ring...
Changes, we make through the ancient birth core of relief
We all go through changes;
Some of us Vape to get through its pain ?
Lightning & thunder
another door bell rang.,
Some have cement shoes another chance to sing the blues
Carry on with a song to walk that extra mile
It goes to show having been written in the stars
We can always change to fit in the theatre of its insane moments to go
Love has to sift one through a straw


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