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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Gothic Teenager!

The teenager in you
Is full of bubbles
Belief in tin soldiers,
With nonchalant glee
The way of expression starts with doubt,
Will a tin soldier ever love me?
Or make me believe
That all he is, a lover boy
For that to secure himself,
He may lie, to lie with me.

Oh young, as I was a kid,
I picked up an ink pen,
This is now replaced by men.

I am a musician and play a guitar,
A piano drums too…
I wanted to draw but couldn’t do.

Farewell to Sham

I asked an old ally to see me
Long before New Year day
Excuses follow all the way
A text endorsed that eve to be

Watch through or tarry night
Sacred ground lent the excuse
Cordiality turned into abuse
Daring me to start a fight

A leopard’s spots change not, they say
Mere visit packaged to court and test
Susan and Steve squared for a contest
Till reproof put inconstancy at bay

A Kyrielle

When queried as to where I live,
I ponder not and always give
an answer I’ve prepared to say ~
that “Heaven’s not so far away.”

May God have mercy on us all,
for we’ve been haunted since The Fall,
but I am grateful every day
our Heaven’s not so far away.

My home, my life is paradise.
I live in grace and pay no price,
for with my wife as we turn grey
my Heaven’s not so far away.


Memories like ashes
Blowing in the breeze
Separating and disappearing
A whisper
Thoughts of you 
Like tinder 
Burning me in your flames

Incinerating my brain
Leaving me breathless 

I construct barriers 
To keep you away
Too hot to touch 


water weary weather
dripping in slush puddle
dampness in the boots
and all the damned hub bub
rolling down the mall
we move against each
other like a worn old team
surviving lifes skirmishes
to now

A battered jacket and wary eyes
a ragged purse with no suprise
we pick and shop getting what
we want
knowing eachs backs
the strengths and the breaking

Quick Silver

Quick silver
Can not out run
The nimble hands
Of time

The mirror never lies
It is my mind
That projects images
Through tired eyes

Is the mother of truth
From this point of view
I can never hide.

What have I gained
When youth has waned
Has wisdom entered
This cobwebbed brain

The days of molasses
Have gone away
Now life passes
Like the pouring rain

I've learned
In my middle age
To savor the moment
Like a decadent cake

Seasons of Desire

Let me tarry ever onward,

may sleep's crystals land not,

upon my brow;

I never realized how precious

it would be

to find my cheek upon your bosom, until now.


Let me steal away

to where rays of sunshine light your hills,

your garden spills bounty upon my table,

and I'm able

to taste the fruits of our desire.


Darkness can awaken your shadows,

I squint to see

if your windows dare look towards me.

Night darkens blue,

and I recall the you,

VAGINA DAWN and three others in the night.


The pink vagina of the horizon
opens up to dawn
pale blue
eclipsing night.

Dragon power of darkness,
potent sleep,
draw up the blinds
take hold the day.

Glowing fresh with dew
the privilege of the few
when years have clocked their toll.

Throw back the sheets,
the blue can turn to red,
or grey.


Poke and prod
with cane and rod
use a whip if you must

Move those unsuspecting cattle
from pasture to pasture
trade one confinement for another

Keep the grass just green enough
to keep them happy
(a bit of sweet feed now and then to keep them docile)

They're too dumb to know the score
too placid to ask for more
not happy........not sad
they think themselves content

Beautiful Lady

O Beautiful lady with glory all over
I bow at your feet, which are covered with flowers

O Beautiful lady with six different faces
But with compassion as your grace

O Beautiful lady with a reason
But with the power of season

O Beautiful lady with love towards all beings
I pray you with all my bearings

O Beautiful lady with modesty as your ornament
But with greenery as your garment

O Beautiful lady who is as beautiful as a bride
And that beauty is your pride


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.