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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Awake to Reality

Me: reality junkie;
Hollywood: sells lies;
Water in my eyes:
'Cause it smells so funky.

Power off - TV dies;
A breath of fresh air, a few deep sighs;
Shoulders relaxed, check out your back - no more monkey.

The way we felt.

As your eccense surrounds me,
It slowly draws me near.
As I try to pull away,
All I can hear.
Is the terrified screams,
Muffled by the dreams.
Of what we could be,
Slowly as we fade away.
Longing to be together,
We will never feel the way.
That we felt with each other.

lips divine modernised

The kiss,
lips are divine
they are fine
but none on this earth
can lips
of my kind
ever find

I wear no mask
for I love the task
just kiss me
like a fairy
and see
how love flows
from my lips to glee
this kiss was lovely
didn’t you see?

a sweet lovers kiss
is absolutely free

Haiku, Senyru and Tanka ...(for workshop)


Midday sun no shadow thrown
A summertime home


Where deep holes made damp
By Monsoon water way down
Drop bucket to fill


The leaf twisted off
Fell to the hard frozen ground
The shadows grew long


The blue bells did ring
The white bells swayed aloof
My lavender soon


Many bad pains felt
A bonding that makes you cry
Tiny hands reach out



4/4 by RW
Thump of bass strumming thong string
growling earth shift, tectonic sing
moving pants legs, beating on chest
blood syncopation rise and crest
wet heart beats meet each pluck and ring
The BANG continues, living thing
the crowd bows to an aural king
sweat drops traverse a heaving breast
Thump of bass boom
The pulse of thrum meets tendon's ping
a large, dark bird unfurls wing
the dance floor has become its nest



my soul has no care
of its nature
my heart beats
to its loneliness
and I am a flame
fading into dark


ginger out the glass
and fill the kettle with its craft
steam and mix
science class

let cool chill
taste bud thrill!

Never Sure

Still …I am not sure
If I like to be mature.

I am not sure I’ve stopped loving to play
with teddy bears, dolls and the clay.

I still like to drink NIDO- needed for growing
and wear those lovely laced white stockings.

I can’t quit thinking I still need my mom’s love
though I've become a proud mom- myself.

And what should I do with my girlish dream?
That daily flow like pure wild stream?

About a courageous knight on a white horse,
that would once come to propose .


Like porcelain, time
can sliver and shatter,
Lightened spirits,
mind over matter.

Solid once,
in it's true state.
Through molten lava,
before hell's gate.

Slicing, shredding,
causing to bleed.
The wanton collection,
the needless need.

Worn and tattered,
from natures blight.
Tired and restless,
from sleepless night.

Striving for slumber,
weaving a dream.
Finding peace,
from a whispering stream.

Shakespeare's Caesar

In days of old we had our David
Who wrote in psalm his time at war
He found a way to voice his heart
And verse away the blood and gore.

Since that time our poets changed,
And chose to take a simpler guise
The bard told stories in the tavern
And flowered war in people’s eyes.

The soldier distanced from the verse,
His heart at war and mind asleep
Prose was left to rot away,
No rhyme could voice a pain this deep.


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