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Facsimile of the human psyche unravelled.

Finger tips etching grooves into the earth’s crust,
I’m clinging , precariously,
Frantic struggling, against the abyss.

I’m an enigma,
Descending into ambiguity.
Clutching at sanity.

Mistrust of reality,
Crushed under its gravity.
Grinding me into dust.

Cataclysmic hush,
As my world, rolls in on itself.
Leaving a husk of my former self.

Be still, be quiet,
In a holding pattern.
Inertia creeping.

I’m ineffectual ,
Off the radar.
I’m in stasis.

Subterfuge for Loyalty?

Sometimes, my love, it's hard to understand
Exactly what God wants,
What is his plan?
When we are betrayed by acts of man

Our disillusion fogs our mind on things that matter
Our confidence is shaken as it shatters
It is easy to fall prey to our perception
Of how others may judge and their reception

Happy Holiday Offends Me

you maybe politely correct
to say happy holiday
but if you can't detect
the error of your way

you may feel a back lash
because leaving out the reason
and my beliefs, you bash
trying to take over the season

you try to rename it
and to redefine
but I'll reclaim it
that which is mine

this is my time of the year
you have your own
if you think I want to hear
greetings with Christ gone


Margaret Ann Waddicor. 27th November 2010.

A Legacy of Love

Kickin' it at the "homestead"
yo-yo goin 'round,
a mesmerizin', tantalizin'
sight without a sound.

This world, it keeps on turnin'
spinning like a top;
without those revolutions
from the sky, our world would drop!

The circle of life keeps rollin'
and the cycle echos, growth,
good or bad, the life you've had
can't help but echo, both;

Love Is All I Can Share

Love Is All I Can Share

I Belong To All

I love all religions
Celebrate all in equal fervour
was then truly man’s saviour

Lord Buddha
preceded him

is enrooted

For the morrow
Some day you will come
to learn reality

Religion is a basic formality,
Love is all that is needed
To hold together this ailing humanity
by now you knows it.

Through Pains and Tears

there are times where i cannot see,
what part of your forever belongs with me
you ask me about my feelings and when i don't care,
you are just sending me a healing stare...

but the truth is i really care for you,
that when i lost you in my life,what will i do?
though sometimes i've been a fool to you....
you're so much to me that i'll never let you go..

If you knew

If you owned my heart,
Would you give me happiness?
If you loved me, let me know the truth
If you just like me, then keep me away
I may fall in love with you

Would you know me, kiss me?
Salute me and carry me to your horizon
Desire me and make me your feminine half
Let me be your queen, your majesty and consort
Imprison, and then release me
Torture me and cure me

Take me to where my world will meet yours
But please
Don’t free me too far from you

Things Children Say!

Basghetti is fun
But I like to eat lompster
And play with arbles.

The Voices of Twilight

Delerious shadows
taunting my dreams,
can't hear myself
over the screams;

unassuming silhouettes
jangle my brain,
as the voices of Twilight
slowly drive me insane.

Constantly echoed
the screams seem all blurred,
'til a collective syllable
starts forming a word;

then fragments start clinging
to the threads of a thought,
like pearls to a strand
with all that they've got!


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