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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I Am

I'm a woman 
At once vulnerable and strong,
Able to hurt and be hurt in return.

Treat me well and the rewards
Will be everlasting,
My love is constant

Treat me badly
And I will erupt with a different passion
Take cover and hide.

I contain  emotions
So great, sometimes I feel,
I'm about ready to explode


I have forgotten all the words
of passing
like a sigh in dreamspeak

up against the incoming
dusk is a tangle of thought
and a single star lonely
as a beacon signal
flares brightly

I could cut out thoughts
and stitch the breaks
theres something
lovely about this pain

and how you ride
against the grain
and fit no well made plan

im so uncertian now
like a paperwork exposed
in rain

how I melt
with each droplet
in tumultous rapture


Falling from a cliff,
Cloak of sickening cysts,
Bleeding from the chest,
Death wrapped in a kiss.

Just a heart beating,
Pain pumped through the veins,
Crimson red chronic,
Diseased infested brain.

Eyes filled with sorrow,
Deprivation of rest,
Flesh cries out in agony,
“Misery at its best.”

Fallen into darkness,
Between time and space,
Where masks are unmasked,
Where places are misplaced.


Having walked away from yesterdays
quick stepping no longer detecting it's
calm, a sorry disposition this rendered

Hearing deafening echoes of events
which have never happened, invigorating
his own solitary existence a loneliness
which was never before possible in the
passing presence of so many.

Now ignoring the hubbub and the clanging
toil, ploughman's furrows once laughter lines
adorn an insignificant face telling jagged tales.

Near Poetic Death

Near Poetic Death
When I read
Darkness in a lover’s eyes
my heart cries,
my heart dies
why does the poet ail
Having been
With a nail

Even Christ resurrected
from the cross,
He didn’t die till today,
nor ever shall lose
May I say

But do you hope some day
I shall drop dead only
Half through
My life’s pathway
Do say
do say
the poet in me
shall forever live
till my last dying day


Frost on my windshield
unique crystals now revealed
soon to warmth they yield

Pillow Note # 2

please don't be mad at me
I skipped dinner
only to stay hungry
for YOU

Ah! you are smiling now
so I will skip the bites
and have you
for dessert instead
stay yummy for ME....

Miss Me

It's been so lovely lately
come sing me of your tune,

there's nothing between us
but, the brightness of the moon.

You goin" through them changes
makes me no nevermind

but, when you do so.....tread lightly,
and please try not, to be so unkind.

Miss be baby,
miss me, girl.....please...
..miss me, honey,
miss me with all that;

(repeat refrain, please.)

But, even if there were rainbows
at the daybreaks' end,

Don't Ruin the Silence

You are the one
I've been hoping for all my life,

you are the one
I'd adore to be my wife,

In the silence
I can hear your heartbeat,

and, I can hear the echoes, but not by choice;

when I can't hear your heartbeat,
don't ruin the silence with your voice.

I am the one
you said you'd cling to, with all your might;

I am the one
with whom you hold, throughout the night;

I can hear your voice
so loud, in the echoes, through the tears,

when I can't hear your heartbeat

Justice, Step Forth


Provide us just scales
with which to measure
and determine the truth --
let no displeasure abide

be objective and distant
make sure you're blindfolded
mete out the verdict
swift and without fail.

But for the value of life
remember your own
Each breath you take
are opportunities blown

Justice is never served
for the dead remain dead
their chances forfeited
memories defaulted


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.