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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The mute whisper

I am the assassin
If you see me it’s already
Too late

Can you feel me breathing
Upon your neck
Too late

There won’t be time
For a spine tinkling scream
Too late

Out of the darkness
You will not see me come
I‘m in your head

Look in the mirror
Just to your left
I’m in your head

What was that noise?
In the attic or was it the shed
I’m in your head

A Formula

floating words
of implicity (and sense)
breathed at the pace
of engaged soliloquy
speaking of meaningful excellences
or bewildering travails

refolding that which has been discerned,
back into life's inevitable, inexorable

finality is not the point
never was
never will be

2010 December Storms and Blizzard

Freezing cold fell on the South Coast
frigid temperatures turned roads to ice
deep freeze spoiled fruits on trees
New Orleans's youngsters seeking warmth died in fire

Rain storms fell on the West Coast
mud slides covered homes and cars
people dug their way out
bracing up for another winter down pour

Snow storms fell on the East Coast
snowflakes covered homes and cars
no place to park, but in the streets
cleared by snow plows earlier in the eve

Wine Induced

On my wedding day
I hope that I can say
That love has found me in my cave
And brought me out without a cane

When my child’s bourn
I hope we won’t mourn
This love will shroud it from pain
We will raise it above the rain

As I hold your hand
As I hold your hand
We could take our stand
As love leads the way

On the day I die
Don’t wonder why
This love has brought me from the dark
It will raise me to make my mark


Easing down a wooded valley
on a bit of sylvan salley
late April or early May
an altogether pleasant day.

The forest in a deep new green
providing a cool leafy screen
from the late afternoon heat;
honeysuckle blossoms smelling sweet.

As my legs and feet begin to tire
I decide to sit and just admire.
Well now, there's a perfect stump
upon which to perch my rump.

I sit down and take a rest
in midst of springtime woodland quest
when a mocking bird alights near
and it shows no sign of fear.


craving your kiss
hungry for your arms
soothing sleep eludes,
absent of your breath
whispering in my ear.



Christmas I Thought
Has come and gone,
Its now merry making
For a New Year
That's about to dawn.
Where were you
Since Christmas was born
Making cookies for a brighter morn

Let Christmas be awaited
For another year
Let’s usher in 2011 my 465 dear
And then there will be no fear,
When I your well-wisher am so near

Well Happy New Year
Is round the corner,
The snow fall continues
But tis slightly warmer
Happy 2011 to all of you


Birth dragged me screaming
into this hollow place,
and abandoned me to the cruelty of my own species.

I traverse the surface of this planet,
a solitary mortal, no one needs me,
the sensation overwhelms me.


I'm alien amidst the human race
I don't belong,
I'm a freak.

Happy New Year Neopoet!

Strangers on the stream
We met
Long conversation
We did not meet
We did

Colored letters
Has been typed on our screens
Each word speaks and
Carried feeling
And other times
Anger from each other
Have we met yet?

Carry on

Troubles (co-write with Ziggy)


You are now entering
free Derry where blood
spat the streets our
kindred deceased
another score to add
to the tally

Hand it back, give it back
We might forgive, but we'll never forget
The violent riots, the murderous ways
Or the hostile attacks

What scars remain on
the graves of pain, never
tamed those freedom
fighters famed, without a
voice the slaughtered choice


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.