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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


You are Here

I wrote songs for you
before we

their melodies
in the heart of me
through my everything
calling you
from Heaven

You came

The lonely empty winter streets
Of snow covered concrete
Not a single sound is heard
But the peoples quiet retreat.
As the light of day
Makes its final escape

The warmth of spring
Seem so far away
Not even the songs
Of the mockingbirds
Can stop the cold from bringing
Winters sting upon the skin

The desolate blanket
Which covers the white landscape
Sparkles under vapor lights
That stands erect
On every city street
A beauty that few do see

Bona wrote

I clamour here

under the chalk moon

remember when your words
pressed against my happiness

now its fingers on the temple
and the wind rising

the last entries
lost per centages

and ragged in the whole


I came from nowhere
In my dream
Or should I say,
Nightmare; but things
Are a lot smoother.

The pit I have dug in
Came forth with flowers
When I woke up.

Life's but a shallow grave
In the tomb of reality.

Remembering Lifes' Seasons

The summer can bring back a memory

that our winters' antics made,

an ice-cream can cause a "brain-freeze"

even though we were searching for shade.

Life's seasons seem to cycle, that way

and each recollection can bring,

a bushel of bitter/sweet memories

that can cause our hearts to up, and sing!

It's funny how we can come across, sometimes

as not being easy to satisfy,

for, sometimes during a happy occasion

we might recall something that makes us cry.


(For Jeannie)
Margaret Ann Waddicor 16th January 2011.

Along the light brown flood
the boat sailed on the tides of muddy current,
its flow so wide it was almost like the sea,
on either side the houses tucked in under hills,
rocky hanging gardens, nature's spills,
small painted doorways framing smiling faces,
doing chores.

Love Me Again!

The Moon pales
when I lift the veil
from your sparkling eyes
to read in them
the script of night
punctuated with
kisses soft and deep

The crickets pause
to listen to the secrets
whispered through your moans
while our shadows dance
upon rose pink walls
to the melody
of our ecstatic bows

The gentle beams
of a dawning day
stream on our crumpled sheets
you open your eyes
with parted lips
"make love to me"

Eyes Reviewd


You clear my fundamental
About eyes,
I thought my eyes
Were the most beautiful
Till I saw yours
Your eyes are
Much more wonderful
My eyes even today
Are stared at by
Guys,gals and gays
Haggard men and bent women
Also look into them
What they adore
I’d love to know more
But friend
You must close your eyes,
As they'll love yours
Much more

Two stripy kittens

Two stripy kittens
Impatient for lunch
One was called Tabby the other was Munch.

Eagerly waiting
They both stood to beg
Loudly meowing and rubbing my leg.

Cute tiger Tabby
Flicking her tail
Attacked and swiped the poor ginger male.

His hair stood on end
He gave her a cuff
And said in a low voice “that’s quite enough”.

It’s time for dinner
There’s no time for play
His ears went back and he pushed her away.

Lady Of The Light.

You were always the faithful one
with a saviour in your heart
you had seen the light of the Lord
from the very start.
even in your darkest days
and the autumn of your life
you never lost faith in the Lord
lady of the light.

Now you have left this life
and in us a memory
but we all think of you
and how you used to be
you had been the special one
when you lived your life
with a special kind of love
lady of the light.


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