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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Tilled Field

By three am's deepest light
I had a sudden strange insight
that nothing new inside my brain
could sit and fester and just might
be nothing at all.

I used to hear dull people query
"how'd he come up with that theory?",
"where do his ideas come from?"
but now I look around, eyes bleary,
and ask the same.

A huge blow to my rampant pride,
but now there's nowhere I can hide
I'm just an ordinary man
with nothing special deep inside.
That is the price.

The Political Pride Parade

The grateful cynics have the "house", now
toxicity levels are rather high;

but, most would choose to disregard
if all a group did was, sit and cry.

They did have quite a following
many agreed, and could also relate;

but, their numbers started rapidly falling
after losing each and every debate!

There's a revolution brewing
it's definately in the works,

popular political opinions help lead the charge
by identifying most of the biggest jerks!

Time Passages

Time Passages

Time passes in dreams
A Warrior wandering
Searching for another battle

A Nomad traveling
Through the years
Foraging for sustenance

The Knight riding through the land
With hopes to find another
Fair Maiden to save

A Kingcounting his treasures
Longing for more
While he oversees his Kingdom
Ah then tell me
What are you wanting for

And we follow suit
How often do we feel
An emptiness
Or there is a missing link


It was the darker side
I sought the hooded one
attention bought, became
my editor a die hard spell checker.

A tempo and chorus always
in mind devotion to the cause
undeniable, what an infamous
cloak for such a first class bloke.

When your health was in question
tears I did choke, I've yet to meet you
but I know your good folk, every co-write
was my delight.

Set my imagination alight the darker
recesses never seemed so bright
the knowing of you is my lasting delight.



Your desire to be accepted
Has left you blind to the truth
You're laughing stock
Behind your back they laugh and mock

You think you're respected
But actually you're rejected

Your need to be recognised
Has blinded you from reality
You're laughing stock
Behind your back they snigger and mock

You believe you are venerated
But actually you are humiliated

Black Rose

A black rose on the mantle
silently bleeds
its petals on your picture of yore
as rare as our love
which never saw light
blooming on a moonless night

As the petals are shed
memories deluge
stunted promises of love
as dry as the petals
of the weathering rose
shorn before a touch of dew

I offer those shreds
at the shrine of your soul
to rest in peace with your frame
and by its side
in a tearfull parting
I lay your picture of yore

Yearning To Touch

There are times when I see you
Yearning from the shadows
For my thoughts and touch.

I reach for you, try to feel
The warm and soft gestures
Of your rosy skin,

Feeling the ample texture
Embedded deep within
Your subtle being

Captivates me completely;
Drives my senses crazy,
Bites me intensely.

I surrender to your moans.
Pour out my obsession
To all your love bones.

Just For Tonight

Put on soft music, turn down the light
for we are together and alone tonight.
Close the curtains, unplug the phone
just for tonight, lets stay alone.
Come up close, so I can see
there in your eyes, your love for me.
Let my lips caress your face
while we share a warm embrace.
Kiss me tenderly the time is right
for we are together and alone tonight.
Take my hand and lead me to
where I can give my love to you.
Hold your body, close to mine
just for tonight let’s make the time.
Set the passion in you free

Goodna Upon Brisbane


From higher ground
to the valley below
wound through tributaries
the Bremer and Moggill
swept past my home

then slithered to the sea

an ocean of thought
this fear sets me free
my yesterdays erase
the future still unclear
each sunny day raises

a pristine cup of promise

each little drop of rain
will wash or drown
should salve these wounds
only to be wind-dried
its dust gets in my tears


The corner of 5th and Main

Dark glasses on a bus to Buffalo,
our eyes lock;
she pierces somber into my being,
we share unspoken loneliness,
connecting what conversation cannot.

We don't lose sight until we do,
my knees shake,
touched in the nine second collision,
and now the feeling of loss.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.