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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


walking with Wõden

walking with Wõden

weir-witched warlocks
wearily walking ways
where Wõden whisked
weathered wherewithal
wondering -- wistfully why --

wailing waifs wager
wadded walleted wafers
wanting wanton wands
whose waywardness

waives wakeful walls --

where warlike wardens
warn warmed-over witnesses
washing warrior's warships
with wary wargs

Memory Of Grace

At dawn,
still water mirroring
emerald silence
of forested hills
marching up to mountains
on all sides,
we set out across the loch
when tide was high and blue
with cloudless sky,
oars trailing coiling whirlpools,
the hiss of water underneath
and creak of rowlocks on still air,
while beneath our boat
the ocean filled with pulsing jellyfish,
clear mantled,
ringed with purple,
bright against the dark of depth.

In Spirit Of Tomorrow

In Spirit Of Tomorrow

Past, has passed away,
Nothing in this world
Can bring it back today
Future we all anticipate
Live in hope
Of a happier tomorrow,
So many want
To indulge
In spiritualism,
But all forget to live
With what we have
That’s as sure as the sun,
That’s today
The present
Which is heaven sent
We forget
The god gifted present

Rain in the summertime


Raindrops trickle on the forest's brow
Forming transparent puddles,
That reflect your querying face
And catches the dream of a moment.

Storm cells brew on the radar,
Fearful in their presence as they pass
Life on the brink of forever's portals
Until thunder morphs into cuddles .

In the streams your form takes shape,
Eyes that gaze with hope and love
Flowing into a moving river of blooms
Summer showers caress the fields.



the daily companion
motivating the hunter
urging him beyond his endurance
to kill

At last cutting a deer's track
by spoor, a fresh passage
cloven prints in fresh snow
indicating the way to go

Decision :
speed to catch up with the prize
or stealth to insure surprise ?
rapid progress with still pauses
sixth sense now screaming
heart pounding
pulse racing
mouth watering
prey is near

Time to get down wind of trail

Perspective Perception Reality

Halos fill my eyes
In the distance there is no light
Words come and go then disappear
Only to reappear partial and broken as lies

The pain surges and pulses
With each heartbeat
And will not end

Objects appear before me
Breathing and taunting
Much too close

I reach for a shadow
That was never there
Brushing it aside
Into the air

The ache
The pain
Is always there

Colouring Mountains

Colouring Mountains

The child shrieks delight,
though her hand’s unsteady
placing brush to paper
see a Picasso colour splash,
change the pure white.

Shrieking again annoyed,
then happy as she,
understanding the brush.
will return, fully loaded.
With the beautiful coloured magic
to transform her paper bright.

*Steamer rooms

Branded by the fire
the smoke entered
the room of love
where naked hearts
beat patina seconds

the walls wept with
rust and waves of
rivulets caressed
the cut where the
blade sought
dorsel dreams

and they met
while heaven drowned
and hell crept

the brands of light
falling like cries


The Seed (in the beginning)

My father was a Poet in his bygone days
with his poems ‘For a Kite Hawk’ and ‘Indian Ways’.
He wrote of love for Mother and of David too
and words of Christian faith with a prayer or two.

When I used to know him before he sadly died
he would show his poems to me with modest pride.
But I was too young to know, he’d sown a seed in me
for at that time, I did not take to words of poetry.



The weight of guilt
Hangs heavy within my mind
Gonna cut out my weary eyes
Suffer my life alone and blind

This weight of regret
Hangs heavy upon my soul
Gonna move on, far away
No purpose, nor control

It's too much
Can't carry it anymore
My body aches
My shoulders too sore

It's too much
Can't go on no more
I am too weak
This pain I can't ignore


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.