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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I expect I'd best explain this before ya'll start reading. I was sitting around thinking how much the Old South had changed since I was a child. This write is the result. The word "nigger" is used to emphasize the time in which this is set, not to offend anyone here. So hold your nose, here goes :

I remember clearly the Old South
Back in nineteen sixty five
when a nigger had to watch his mouth
just to stay alive


(Here's a light hearted one one that should get all you ladies up in arms....)


Male chauvinist pigs roam the streets every day,
Think they can read us like books;
Oh, how we hate it when we hear them say:
You just need a fat worm on your hooks!

I have my own car, I can go where I wish,
I’m in complete control of my fate…
So, don’t let me hear you say ladies are fish,
And as fish, we must rise to the bait…


read me like a book
you turn a page
and my emotions
are drawn
like air at the damper
of the furnace

caught up you dont look
and I can see your eyes
the colours against
the dark pupils

outside the snow is falling
through the sun
hidden and transparent
there are cars at the

I remember then
but not now

you havent read that

and I smile
and you look up

You Make Me Laugh


Unwritten Laws
All loving men
Adore their girlfriends
When they marry
Become husbands
They like other's women.
That’s the way the world goes
Since yesterday
Shall enter a tomorrow
Do you agree with me?
All of you
Women too!

You Make Me Laugh

Everyone's Writing Vibrantly

Everyone's been
Writing vibrantly.
But no luck,
Just no luck
For the poet in me.

My hand is sore.
My brain is weak.
No gush of ideas,
No words to speak

Everyone seems to be
Scribing vibrantly.

But no luck,
Just no sheer luck...
For the vain poet in me.

I need none, but you...

I need none, but you….

If I write my life on ice,
I’m sure you’d melt my heart.
Should I choose another time
I fear you’d move the sun.
And if my lyrics are off cue,
could you accompany my desire.
For now this life of mine’s a duel,
between your music of ice and fire.

Don’t tame your shrew, I love all you are,
though hurt too the bone can she.
When her untamed angry heart rages,
shrewd am i to quench her thirst.
And if per chance she’d fall in love,
I shall strive to be her first.

blessed by angels twice

I was unmasked by insecurity
when first faced with your purity
now aware that wind swept lullaby's
cradled promise untold, always
nurtured never scold.

with anxious delegation watching
you both unfold, kissing your little
fingers and toes, now standing on
your own two feet first memories of
this still so sweet, this I remember
so time will never delete.


wash me
you say
holding the cloth
the tub edge
shiny with moisture

tommorrow is a distance

grey in the mists
while tonights sunsets
are hard and brittle

I watch it


damn those islands
and their mystery

one day I swear I will
walk the seven Klicks
of ice to see their shore

terrified of water that
till never occur

Scorpions All

Scorpions All

All scorpions are
Venomous beings,
On earth
As in heaven
Very rarely if at all,
Do they lead blissful lives
Nor do they
Appreciate others,

You are an angel
And you know it,
Great verses
You create


I spend my days here far below
in a cramped and sizzling room
tormented by fellow sinners
.....false prophets

The only thing I'm allowed to watch
on my 1 channel TV screen
my mortal remains
I know the smell well
same as my victims' parts
long after the blood starts.........clotting


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.