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The Forgotten Valentine


Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.

In this life you wed young couples;
an act the Emperor would not permit.
And though your grace the monarch received,
your execution he did transmit.

Alas, with clubs and stones they came,
challenged by your fortitude great;
whose blows did not complete the deed -
your head severed at Flaminian's Gate.


You're the last frost flower of the fall
the first daffodil in early spring
a clear bell's ring that summons all
the sound of crickets when they sing.

I know that I'm not "all that"
and far from anybody's prize.
I'm old and lame and kind of fat.
Very ordinary in most eyes.

And yet each day I come awake
surprised to find that you're still here
so once again I can partake
of the vision which I hold so dear.


Margaret Ann Waddicor
9th February 2011.

Oh love and painfulness,
its blows
take tolls of spells
and wedding bells to boot,
they hoot their sounds
through all our lives,
their music, sighs and groans,
as trials accost our thoughts and lives,
and we decide to roam the skies,
for answers to the tests,
as if they were the pests
that drive us mad,
and yet they are the stories that are sad,
romantic, beautiful and glad.

Lover's Eyes

I lose myself looking into those eyes
The brightness looks to me
like embers of a burning fire
I hear from your lips no lies
I know this love is no satire

Forever looking in the eyes
The burning wells of my heart’s desire
This feeling never dies
My love will never tire

Its 2 o’clock
Still your eyes hold a passion
When we meet on the dock

When will you be back? You say
Every time you wish, I pray


The Primordial earth is parched 
And scorched by lust
Brittle dreams crushed
Lurching toward disaster .

 Homo Sapiens abandoning       
love and humanity for
The idolatry of  false gods
And adoration of money.
Questionable morality

If you believe the news
Fame at all costs
Fantasists , 
society on the edge.
Kids who want maximum gain 
For little or no effort.
Spoiled beyond recognition.


Up in the heavens
Over this mortal plane...
Watch me glide with hovered wings.

I can feel the winds rush
Around this surreal fin
Of satin paper, wooden frame;
Lifting up my hollow skin.

Be my navigator.
The tides of the air restrict me.
Take my hand through the skies...
I can only fly by your gentle love strings.



Don't you fall in love with me:
However flattering that might be,
I know it is not what you are looking for-
Experiences dead, have blown dreams out of your head,
And, like a drowning man, you're clutching at a straw...

So, you use your education
To summon every ounce of tact-
Does your new preoccupation bring you joy?
Am I pleasant artifiction, or just some mental artifact:
Do you want a man, do you need a boy?

Valentine Moment

Like a herd of cattle returning home
my thoughts trudge along
till my shadow dissipates into twilight
enveloping me in darkness
at peace with a tear drop silence
in the murmur of my heart
I listen to the echoes of your beats
playing along side mine
that day
when roses smiled upon us
and you blushed


Far up in a cobalt sky
appears a long contrail
whose metallic maker carries hie
folk, with each a different tale

Some, I'm sure, are on a quest
on this clear winter day
to their business rivals, best
as they practice just what they will say

Others are vacation bound
maybe to a tropic shore
where tensions will become unwound
and worries thought about no more

A few up in that speeding speck
wearing sad and quiet faces
go to give a last respect
and pass upon lost souls last graces

Drinking Partners

I am chafed by the cloudless
Sky, night playing hide and seek
With my feelings: anger, guilt,
Shame over the crown of my head.
True, this coldness shivers
As it coils beneath wounded pores
Visible with friends drinking
At four-cornered tables
Gambling 25 centavos on dusty seats.
I'd rather throw stones at passersby
And break their faces -
So shiny yet so grim with fiery
Smiles offensive and unruly
To a tired mind. Standing by
The side of the doorway, smoking
Low tar nicotine cigarettes,


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