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This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Not yet

I try to be original, candid, funny and honest
Knowing if I can not trust, I can not be trusted
My biggest obstacle to connecting being myself
Knowing this is only half my battle I fight each day
Each careful line breathing meaningless impotence
Still unwilling to share what used to be second nature
I lost it amongst the Dragon’s, Elves and fairy folk
A feeling of insignificance buried in the tall grass’s
Disenchanted with the chains of old familiarity
What’s to be expected when I can not disconnect?


We walk down the dark roads,
The dark halls that lead
A path to where I hoped it will
Definitely lift my being:
Into the arms of your nourishment
And redeeming.

We climb the steepest hills,
The valleys that echo our voices
Where I yelled a thousand names, which
Only one name answers back
My calls of grief, woe
And misgiving.

Our Hill at Night

Under the stars of night
we sit, with wind blowing,
and the moon gleaming bright.
That was its way of showing
that everything here was just right.

The music comes out and out
just as you strum about.
It all flows as if it were water,
like love of mother and daughter...
Smooth, without any doubt.

Your name is Kayla, so light.
It floats off the tongue, just right.
You play the guitar all the time,
And I write lyrics with a rhyme,
So we sit and sing in the thyme.


Margaret Ann Waddicor
14th February 2011.

Valentine oh my Valentine,
you tear my heart out
tend it like a precious jewel,
yet you dare not say to me
you love me true,
what shades of fancy now detain
your boldness, youth,
your face is young and just begun to change,
into the knight.

Valentine Valediction

Valentine Valediction

We sigh and weep for Love that's true,
Well, some of us; I don't, do you?
Love is the nature of us all,
With Lover's pride before a fall.

In searching for True Love we find
A dislocation of our mind;
A deep psychosis of our brain,
Who cares! for here we go again.

We find a girl who fills our dreams,
Are unaware of all her schemes.
And as the dream turns to nightmare
We're left with half a house - but where?

Why Restrict

Why Restrict

Your love on a Valentine day only,

Why not make love everyday,

Today is Valentine so start right away,

Have a best valentine partner

Today from this day,

Every day,

Happy Valentine,

Well any way

you are my shadow

running stretching
to greet the night
where stars will
gleam in your

this sunset lustre

if I can
I will make it

and the darkness
will fill me
and it shall be

Ghoul (eddy styx)


A grey grimace stole across his ashen lips
as the hour struck twelve and the stalker awakened.
The desires of those who hunt him await the discovery
of yet another victim, to set them on the trail afresh.
In their secret hearts, he was the continuous pulsation
of life's blood, causing them to quicken and keeping them
sustained with the demanding lusts of his soul.


A little boy sits in a prison cell
in a land across the sea
everyone knows he is innocent
but nobody sets him free.

There are children down in Africa
whose bodies know only pain
not knowing when they will eat again
or why the bad men came.

Terrorists are in every corner
of the world today
speaking of God and using their bombs
and taking good people away.

Someone is lying wounded
a victim of a war
wondering where the love is
that’s supposed to save us all.

A Happy Reading

She moves in sultry undertones
fondles edges as she reads ...

her lips form sex in every word
the smile from her eye
says she knows I know ...

her fine neck-hair dances
in soft lights reflection
and I am given to hunger ...

need starts thumping
and I must listen;
statued to her being ...

my face begins to quiver
while breathing her voice
in quakes and tremors.


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